Leak Of 270 Million Population Data, Menko PMK: Don't Worry Because The Data Is Not Necessarily The Real

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK), Muhadjir Effendy asked the public not to worry about the leakage of 270 million indonesian population data registered as participants of BPJS Kesehatan.

"No need to worry because the data is not necessarily real data. It is still under further investigation," Muhadjir said in a statement on Tuesday, May 25.

After meeting the President Director of BPJS Kesehatan Ali Ghufron Mukti, Muhadjir ensured that bpjs health services and performance will not decrease despite the leakage of 279 million citizen data.

"Still being investigated. It will not affect the performance of BPJS Kesehatan," he said.

According to Muhadjir, the data suspected of leaking and selling online is not necessarily data that is actually owned by bpjs health participants. At the moment, he said, it is still under investigation. Nevertheless, he guaranteed that the issue of alleged data leakage will not affect bpjs health participants, including services.

"The service is safe all," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Known, the data leak is suspected to come from the pages of the Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS) Health. Based on the information circulated, the leaked population data was sold on the online forum 'Raid Forums' by a member under the pseudonym Kotz.Meanwhile, BPJS Kesehatan has formed a special team that will work to handle and investigate the alleged data leak at the non-ministerial government agency.