Extra Time For Facebook - TikTok To Submit PSE Report To Kominfo

JAKARTA - Facebook, TikTok, and Clubhouse applications are not included in access or block terminations. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) also extended the registration deadline for Electronic System Operators (PSE) to the next 6 months.

Director-General of Informatics Application Kominfo, Semuel A Pangerapan, stated that the registration system in Indonesia is transformed into one door through the Online Single Submission - Risk-Based Approach (OSS-RBA) from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM.

Therefore, the private PSE registration deadline is extended for the next 6 months. The man who is familiarly called Sammy also explained the obligation to register a business license has been regulated in Ministerial Regulation of Kominfo (Permenkominfo) No. 5/2020.

"The OSS-RBA system is planned to take effect on June 2, 2021. So that the private PSE registration deadline on PM 5/2020 which previously fell on May 24, 2021, is adjusted and extended within no later than 6 (six) months from the time of effective implementation of the OSS-RBA system," Sammy said in a written statement, Monday, May 24.

Sammy explained that the provisions of the change are stipulated in the Ministerial Regulation of Kominfo No. 10/2021 concerning Amendments to the Ministerial Regulation of Kominfo No. 5/2020. Where private PSE that does not register can get termination of access in Indonesia.

"If the list will have a certificate, it will be on our white list. And if it is not registered, then it cannot be accessed in Indonesia," he added.

Semmy explained that the Ministerial Regulation of Kominfo No. 5/2020 has been made in accordance with the public consultation and discussion process for months. Kominfo has also received 27 inputs from various domestic and foreign companies, local and global institutions, trade center associations, industries from abroad and within the country, as well as inputs from friendly countries.

"PP No. 71/2019 mandates that the downstream of digital activities can be continuously improved. Ministerial Regulation of Kominfo No. 5/2020 is one form of government support and presence in maintaining public data in line with the utilization of data in the digital ecosystem. The whole thing is the government's efforts to advance, safeguard, protect the country and the people of Indonesia," he said.

He added that the implementation will be carried out by respecting the protection of privacy rights, personal data, and freedom of expression in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, in coordination with relevant ministries/institutions. This rule was also created to create a fair scope for all local and global PSE.

"We are open to (companies) doing business in Indonesia, please register, but, if there is a transaction please pay taxes, and there are other rules that must be adhered to," said Semuel.

Meanwhile, there are a number of PSE categories stipulated in PM Kominfo No. 5/2020 to register their companies for public access in Indonesia. Some of them are trading, paid content, search engines, and financial services (finance).

Each PSE conducts a self-assessment of whether they fall into one or more of these categories. To date, at least 600-700 local technology companies have signed up for the regulation.