Minister Of Justice Sandiaga Uno Says: Music Encourages And Unifys The Nation

JAKARTA - Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said music is an encouragement and unifying indonesian nation that is rich in ethnic and cultural diversity." This is a form of appreciation of Indonesian cultural diversity including Nusantara music, in accordance with Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. We are increasingly reminded that these works are encouraging us," said Menparekraf Sandiaga in the Peak Night of the Community Children's Work Competition on Monday, May 24, night, reported antara." Music is unifying the nation. Our nation is so rich in diversity, with universal music, we become a spirit, become a great nation and proud of its culture," he continued. The minister said the music industry has the potential to absorb a large workforce. He said that there are at least 18 million people who depend on their lives in the industry and creative economy including music. Menparekraf has taken innovation, training, and collaboration measures to appreciate music works in the region during the pandemic. According to him, the COVID-19 pandemic forces all sectors to adapt and innovate. One of them is the implementation of health protocols, which hope to trigger creative industries and MSMEs to rise again and be inspired." Pandemic makes us see the best sides of humanity and the excellent potentials of our creative economic actors. This is also a form of appreciation of how we all give a touch to a great nation that is able to survive and see the opportunity to be a winner," said Minister Sandiaga." I would like to express my gratitude to all my music colleagues in Indonesia for their tireless spirit. This is proof that we have talents that can compete in the world. Hopefully this activity inspires local musicians in their work, supporting the tourism industry and creative economy to continue the development of Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, Malam Puncak Lomba Karya Anak Komunitas presents the top five music communities in various regions in Indonesia to show their music and culture. All five teams dazzled with modernly packaged traditional music and clothing. The Jember Independent Creative Linkar Community Team won first place and favorite champion in the event. Behind it are Walk on Water Community from Nias, North Sumatra and Cendrawasih Team from Papua which won second and third place respectively. Furthermore, the Community of Art Creations of Children Paser East Kalimantan and Musicians Kulon Progo Yogyakarta won the champion of hope one and two respectively. In the event, Menparekraf also gave awards and tributes to musicians mixed sari Didi Kempot.