Keep Resisting, 75 KPK Employees Failed TWK Test Complaining To Komnas HAM

JAKARTA - The resistance of 75 employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who did not pass the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) continues. After reporting to the KPK Supervisory Board and Ombudsman RI, Novel Baswedan et al complained their fate to the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM).

Wearing 'Dare Honest Fired!' t-shirt, Novel and representatives of employees who did not pass the assessment visited the Komnas HAM Office on Latuharhary Street, Menteng, Central Jakarta. Complaints submitted allegedly occurred arbitrary actions by the KPK leadership, including when deactivated employees who did not escape TWK.

"We report related to the actions of the KPK leadership. I say so because I am sure that there are not all actions that are done in such a way," Novel said at a press conference on Monday, May 24.

KPK Investigator Novel Baswedan at Komnas HAM Office (Wardhany Tsa Tsia/VOI)

The senior investigator did not detail the human rights violations that were the substance of the reporting. However, he alluded to one of the offenses allegedly committed was assaulting an employee's private domain, ranging from asking questions of a sexual nature to religious matters.

Thus, he called TWK is one of the ways created to get rid of employees who have integrity and work well. But, he's not surprised because this way has been done many times.

"But this feels the most and seriously therefore, it becomes an important thing," said Novel.

There are 8 points of complaint

A number of points of violation were conveyed by the Director of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) Asfinawati who became a companion of KPK employees when submitting a complaint to Komnas HAM. The first violation, the question in TWK posed by the examiner is considered a form of restriction of human rights.

According to him, the question posed by the examiners as mentioned by the employees is related to the mind. "And that thought in human rights cannot be limited at all," Asfinawati said on the same occasion.

The second offense relates to the right to fair treatment in employment relationships. This is seen when there are other employees even though the answers given are the same as those who pass, so it seems that the basis of the assessment is not from the TWK answers submitted by employees.

Third, there is a violation of the right of association and assembly. Asfinawati said, since 2019, the KPK Employees' Forum seems to be the target of eradication because it actively refuses to reject the Revision of the KPK Law and convey other critical attitudes.

This makes most of the daily administrators of the KPK Employees' Container declared not to pass the test. "The chairman, the vice-chairman, and the secretary-general are all exhausted," he said.

Furthermore, there are also allegations of violations against human rights defenders. In this case, one of the KPK employees who did not qualify was senior investigator Novel Baswedan who was considered to be often vocal about this issue.

These investigators are considered to be increasingly active in human rights issues after violent hard-water attacks in recent years.

The fifth is a violation of a fair relationship in the work. According to him, the deactivation of 75 KPK employees does not have a clear legal basis.

The next violation is about discrimination against female employees. This discrimination arises because of questions of sexual harassment.

Asfinawati even revealed, in the test, there was a female employee who cried after getting inappropriate questions from the examiner. "Being pursued on personal matters, which I'm sure friends know is sexist and discriminatory," she explained.

The next violation is related to stigma against employees who do not pass. According to her, this has the potential to affect the social life, family education, and work of employees in the future. Even this stigma in extreme conditions can risk lives.

While the latest alleged violations are a very strong tendency regarding violations of free speech. Of the 75 employees who were disabled, Asfinawati said many of them were critical figures.

Some of them have signed a petition rejecting KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri for allegedly violating ethics. In addition, there are also employees who are registered as judicial review applicants in the revision of the KPK Law in the Supreme Court.

Komnas HAM forms a team and KPK appreciates its employee reports

After hearing information and receiving files from representatives of dozens of employees who did not pass TWK, Komnas HAM will form a special team to conduct investigations. The team will be led by two commissioners, Choirul Anam and Sandrayati Moniaga.

"We received this complaint, we will form a team under monitoring and investigation," Komnas HAM Commissioner Choirul Anam said at a press conference in his office after receiving Novel Baswedan and colleagues.

He said that his party has received a lot of information and documents related to TWK polemics that became a condition of transfer of status to the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Furthermore, the information and documents that have been entered will be examined.

He asked all parties involved in the TWK polemic to be cooperative. The goal, in order to find the best solution.

Moreover, polemics that occur in the internal KPK today will be a loss. Because corruption is a common enemy.

"We hope that both WP's friends, KPK leaders, and related parties can be cooperative," he said.

Meanwhile, in relation to this reporting, the anti-corruption commission respects the decision taken by the 75 employees to complain to Komnas HAM. In addition, it also submits the process of investigating alleged human rights violations to the institution completely.

"KPK respects the reporting and submits the full follow-up of the reporting to Komnas HAM in accordance with its duties and authorities," said Acting KPK Spokesman for Enforcement Ali Fikri through a written statement, Monday, May 24.

He said dozens of employees of the anti-corruption commission were valuable assets in eradicating corruption. So their fate will be decided in the near future.

"All employees in the process of transferring the status of KPK employees is a valuable asset for the institution," Ali said.

Ali said polemic related to TWK is dynamic in the process of transfer of staffing status. Therefore, follow-up discussions on status transfer will be discussed on Tuesday, May 25.

"There will be a meeting with the State Personnel Agency (BKN) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant parties to discuss the follow-up of the transfer of KPK employees to ASN as well as follow up on the direction of President Joko Widodo," he concluded.