Sex Morning Or Night, Which Better? Here's A Member's Explanation

JAKARTA - Making love at night late with a little dark lighting is felt by many people is a romantic moment. However, based on scientific considerations some people choose to make love in the morning. Well, if based on expert explanations this is complete.

Jessa Zimmerman, M.A., a certified sex therapist said that two hormones that affect sexual desire are potentially produced more in the morning. These hormones are estrogen and testosterone.

"You may be aroused more easily in the morning than at night, thanks to your hormones," Jessi told Mind Body Green on Monday, May 24.

In men, testosterone levels will be replenished overnight and tend to be highest in the morning. It follows a person's circadian pattern. While they sleep, the hormone testosterone is produced the next day. Followed by the highest blood serum high concentration in the morning.

The combination of body work is most motivating for physical activity. Like sports, or making love to a partner.

Even with estrogen related to sexual desire in women. The hormone is also higher in the morning. Women will also experience increased blood flow during rapid eye movement (REM). In wakti it is also easier to arouse and lubricate the vagina more responsively.

The blood flow around the clitoris and lubrication means it will be more sensitive so that it has the potential to achieve satisfaction. This condition is different in women with menstrual cycles that do not follow circadian rhythms or follow infradian rhythms.

Infradian rhythms affect the menstrual cycle and sex drive. Cortisol levels and mood also play a role in desire and readiness to receive sexual responses. Especially in the ovulation phase, women with infradian cycles will be better prepared to make love throughout the day.

As long as there is no specific task that burdens the mental and feel relaxed. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the body has higher cortisol levels and decreased estrogen. Feelings will be more anxious and sexual desire decreases.

After passing this phase, progesterone will make it calmer. After a week of menstruation that increases the volume of the uterus, making love will be interesting and very enjoyable according to Alissa Vitti, a hormone expert and founder of The FLO Living Hormone Center.

In women who follow an infradian rhythm or follow the menstrual cycle do not depend on the time of lovemaking, or either performed at night or morning as long as hormonal conditions support mood and sexual desire.

Lauran Fogel Mersy, PsyD, a sex therapist, added energy levels also affect the precise timing of a relationship. In the morning, the energy is still full and the body points more sensitively give-receive response.

"The benefits of being sexy in rice days are probably easier to attend and focus on what's happening at the time," Fogel Mersy said.

When tired, we are more easily disengaged. Not even a few feel tired until the end of the task and may not want touch or stimulation.

Making love at night is less likely to be less creative, the reason being tired and no energy trying new things. However, making love in the morning feels time-chased. Because you have to prepare all the activities of the day.

A number of the above experts, actually do not emphasize which is better, whether making love morning or night. The best time to have sex varies from person to person. Although hormonal factors are better done in the morning, but can be done at night due to other factors.