Gotong Royong Vaccination, BCA Bank Owned By Hartono Brothers Conglomerate Allocates Rp1 Million Per Employee

JAKARTA - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) began to carry out Gotong Royong vaccinations to its employees. The aim is to support the acceleration of vaccination programs for employees, because the banking industry is an essential sector that is allowed to continue operating and has been in the risk zone in providing services to customers and the public.

President Director of BCA Jahja Setiaatmadja said that the company prepared a budget of Rp1 million per employee to inject the COVID-19 vaccine. The budget is for two doses of vaccines and pays for the services of health workers for vaccine injection.

"We are approximately cost per person rp1 million from BCA. That's for the cost of vaccines, nakes and all facilities," he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, May 24.

However, Jahja admitted that he could not be sure of the total budget that will be spent by the company for the gotong royong vaccination program. Because, this vaccination program runs in accordance with the availability of Sinopharm vaccine.

"We also pay to Kimia Farma gradually, so as needed. So we do not know what the budget is, basically everything we can inject, prepared Rp1 million per person," he said.

While the vaccination target of employees and their families is recorded up to 60 thousand people.

"If BCA itself is already a permanent employee there are 25 thousand people," he said.

On the same occasion, Executive Vice President Secretariat &Corporate Communication of BCA Hera F. Haryn confirmed that the budget of Rp1 million is not the price of vaccines, but the budget prepared by BCA.

"I added Mr. Jahja, so what we prepared for Rp1 million was not the price, but the budget provided. It's not a connotation of the price of vaccines. The price of vaccines can not be conveyed, because it depends on the situation of the condition that takes place,"Jelas Hera.

Government sets price for gotong royong vaccination Rp879,140

The government has set the price of vaccines in the gotong royong vaccination program at Rp321,660 per dose and the maximum rate of vaccination services worth Rp117,910 per one-time injection of vaccines.

While one person needs two doses, so the price to be paid is Rp879,140.

Special Staff of the Minister of SOEs Arya Sinulingga said this pricing has involved various parties. Starting from the government represented by the Ministry of Health, The Agency for Financial Supervision and Development (BPKP), tender institutions and also involve businesses represented by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin).

Furthermore, Arya said the institutions that set the price for the vaccination program gotong royong or independent for entrepreneurs who are interested to participate in helping accelerate herd immunity or group immunity.

"If it is considered or assumed to be expensive, this price is actually the number two cheapest compared to other countries," he said in a virtual discussion, Friday, May 21.

For the price of vaccine injection, the Coordinator of Public Communication of the Committee for The Handling of COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KP-CPEN) said, the provisions of the corruption eradication commission (KPK) should not involve health workers and government health facilities.

"Only allowed to use the sawata. Private friends such as hospitals, clinics and so on issued a figure of Rp117,910," he said.

Employers don't have to push themselves

If the price of gotong royong vaccination is considered too high and burdensome, arya said, employers do not need to impose themselves. Because, employees will also get a free vaccine through the government vaccination program.

"This is a gotong royong vaccination. It means who wants to come please, otherwise it does not matter. Like there's a disaster, if you want to donate yes please. There is no obligation for companies to participate in the gotong royong vaccination program. If they don't participate, they will still be served by the government-provided free vaccination program," he said.