Rumors About The Travelers Smuggling Business

JAKARTA - The implementation of the regulation on the ban on going home is the government's step to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from spreading throughout Indonesia. Later, news circulated that there were parties who were looking for profit by offering homecoming services without being noticed by the officers at the checkpoints.

This news is busy on Facebook social media because of the uploads that offer shuttle services for travelers. In fact, the upload says that it is ready to go through the inspection and take the travelers to their destination.

Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Argo Yuwono, said the police would investigate this matter. However, as a first precautionary step, this information has been disseminated to the members manning the checkpoints.

Later, officers will inspect all vehicles that have the potential to carry travelers. Starting from tour buses, transport trucks, and others will be checked carefully.

"Of course we will carry out an investigation. We have conveyed this information to members in the field to anticipate such a mode," said Argo, Thursday, April 30.

The news about the homecoming smuggling business also attracted the attention of University of Indonesia criminologist Ferdinand Andi Lolo. According to him, in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic which also affects the economy, the possibility of a business being is true.

However, economic problems are not an excuse for violating the law. This is because the activity or business violates Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Quarantine.

"The economy is clearly disrupted, but it cannot be used as an excuse to compromise the health of tens and hundreds of millions of other people, especially those who obey (the ban on going home)," said Ferdinand.

For this reason, continued Ferdinand, the National Police must act decisively in implementing the ban on going home. For him, the sanctions and appeals have been sufficiently applied. Although the number of travelers decreases every day, there is no deterrent effect on the community not to try to go to their hometowns.

Meanwhile, regarding the alleged existence of this business, the National Police must immediately prove the truth. If proven, criminal sanctions with the maximum penalty should be given to those involved.

Referring to Article 92 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Quarantine, transporters or vehicle providers can be charged with a criminal sentence of 10 years and a fine of IDR 15 billion.

"The smuggling of travelers to travelers is a criminal act that endangers the wider community and must be dealt with very firmly," concluded Ferdinand.