Romahurmuziy Who Finally Breathed The Air Outside The KPK Detention Center

JAKARTA - Former chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) Romahurmuziy (Romy) is finally free to breathe the air outside the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) detention center, after he served a one-year prison term.

Even though he has left the KPK Detention Center, the status of the former member of the Indonesian Parliament is still a defendant. This is because the KPK filed an appeal against the appeal decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) which cut his sentence from two years in prison to one year in prison.

"I certainly express my gratitude in accordance with the decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court. I have finished serving (the sentence) as of April 28," Romy told reporters at the K4 KPK Detention Center, South Jakarta, Wednesday, April 29 evening.

Romy said that he should have been able to leave in the morning, but there were a number of administrative files that had to be cleared up first and only left the KPK detention center at night.

He did not want to discuss the status of the defendant, because there were several things that had to be resolved. In addition, Romy wants to prioritize his family first.

"The most important thing for me is to get back with my family," he said.

Before leaving, Romy criticized the KPK prisoners' meal budget. He assessed that the current budget is still very low to meet the nutritional needs of prisoners.

"I don't know exactly but the range is between Rp. 32 thousand to Rp. 42 thousand for three meals. So nutritionally it is not enough," he said.

In addition, Romy also criticized the absence of a stove in the detention center. The stove is important for him to warm the food of the visiting family. He said, this food was a nutritional supplement for the prisoners.

"We hope there will be improvements in the provision of kitchens or provision of heating stoves so that the food sent by the family can last longer," he said.

Romy's attorney, Maqdir Ismail, said the Supreme Court's decision did not carry out the detention even though there was an appropriate appeal from the KPK. Therefore, he asked all parties to continue to entrust the ongoing legal process related to this case.

"We want to invite all parties to believe in the legal process that has been carried out properly and correctly," said Maqdir.

Meanwhile, the KPK gave in to the order of the Central Jakarta District Court to release Romy because of the mandate from the Supreme Court.

"The KPK has no other choice so that it must remove the defendant from detention," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri.

Even though the politician has left, Ali said the KPK filed an appeal to the Supreme Court on Monday, April 27.

There are three things that make the KPK file an appeal, first is the Panel of Judges at the Appeal Level does not apply the law or apply the law, but it should not.

Second, the Panel of Judges at the Appellate Level did not apply the law of evidence when considering the objection of the general public regarding additional penalties in the form of revocation of political rights.

Finally, the KPK also considered the sentence imposed on the defendant too low.

"The KPK hopes that the Supreme Court can consider the reasons for the appeal by the KPK in accordance with existing legal facts and also consider the sense of justice in society, especially because corruption is an extraordinary crime," said Ali.

KPK Building (Muhammad Iqbal / VOI)

Previously, Romy was caught in a hand-arrest operation (OTT) related to the sale and purchase of positions within the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag). He was declared to have received Rp255 million from the former Head of the East Java Ministry of Religion's Regional Office (Kanwil) Haris Hasanuddin.

In addition, he is also said to have received Rp. 50 million from the former Head of the Gresik Regency Ministry of Religion Office Muafaq Wirahadi. The receipt of this money occurs from January to March 2019.

This case also dragged former Minister of Religion (Menag) Lukman Hakim Saifudin who is also a PPP politician. From the facts of the trial, it was stated that Lukman received Rp70 million in cash.