Clubhouse Plans To Be On Android Will Be Threatened With Being Blocked By Cominfo

JAKARTA - Clubhouse audio chat application recently launched an Android version in the United States (U.S.), which of course in the near future will launch also in Indonesia.

Unfortunately, the Clubhouse plan will be threatened with being blocked by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo). What's the cause?

That is because the Clubhouse has not been registered as an Electronic System Operator (PSE) in Indonesia. Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Information requires the Clubhouse to register immediately.

The provision is contained in the Ministerial Regulation (PM) Kominfo No. 5 of 2020. The obligation to register for electronic system operators is done before the Electronic System starts to be used by users, which is 6 months since PM No. 5 of 2020 was promulgated on November 24, 2020.

That means, if pse does not register then it will get administrative sanctions in the form of termination of access by the Ministry of Communication and Information aka blocked, as stated in article 100 of pp PSTE rules and article 7 of Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Informatics number 5/2020. However, access will be re-opened when the platform has already signed up for Kominfo.

"The registration process is a reasonable process and is intended for the benefit of the public and a healthier Indonesian digital space, related to the protection of personal data and cybersecurity," said the jury speaking to the Ministry of Information, Dedy Permadi some time ago.

The obligation to register is also listed in Article 53 of PSTE Law No. 71 of 2019. The platform that must register is the one that provides services in Indonesia, conducts business in Indonesia and its electronic systems are used or offered in the territory of Indonesia.

From VOI monitoring, until now clubhouse has not registered on pse kemenkominfo website. And that means the Clubhouse only has about one to two more days to sign up.

However, if the company is reluctant to sign up, users should be prepared to no longer be able to access the app on both Android and iOS.

The Ministry of Information is so keen to ask the Clubhouse to register as a PSE. It is not without reason. Explained Director General of Informatics Applications (APTIKA), Semuel A. Pangerapan because the user's personal data must be maintained safely.

All PSE both social media and e-commerce as long as it has business value must be registered. By registering, PSE users obtain security for their personal data.

"If the PSE has been registered, then the user's personal data is also stored and protected by the government. So when there is a violation, the government is also entitled to ask pse related to the protection of personal data of its users," jelas Sammy.

For information, the Clubhouse was launched in March 2020. But only recently began to go viral globally, including in Indonesia.

Tag: clubhouse teknologi kementerian komunikasi dan informatika