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JAKARTA - Puspoll Indonesia Executive Director Muslimin Tanja said the level of satisfaction of the Indonesian people for the performance of the government of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin was relatively good in the April survey.

"A total of 71.4 percent of respondents expressed satisfaction with the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government," Muslimin said in an online press conference in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 23.

National survey of Puspoll Indonesia Research Institute with the theme Of Measuring the Chances of Presidential Candidates 2024 and The Axis Challenge of the Islamic Party.

The survey results said 11.8 percent of respondents were very satisfied, 59.6 percent were quite satisfied, 24.3 percent were dissatisfied, 7.6 percent were not satisfied at all, and 1.7 percent did not answer.

Muslimin explained that the highest satisfaction levels are in East Java, Yogyakarta, and Central Java. Meanwhile, satisfaction rates are lowest in Maluku and Papua.

In addition, in the survey, 63.3 percent of respondents were optimistic about the condition of the next year, there is an economic improvement under Jokowi-Ma'ruf's administration. Meanwhile, 22.9 percent of respondents expressed dis optimistic and 11.8 percent did not answer.

"Quite a positive assessment in the community for the economy that will improve in the coming year," muslimin said.

Puspoll Indonesia conducts a national survey of people's political preferences. Data collection was conducted on April 20-29, 2021 through face-to-face interviews using structured questionnaires.

The sample number of 1,600 respondents spread across 34 provinces. The survey used a multilevel random method with a margin of error of approximately 2.45 percent at a confidence level of 95 percent. The minimum age of respondents is 17 years old or already eligible voters.

Tag: ekonomi joko widodo maruf amin survei politik survei