King Salman Condemns Israeli Agression To Palestine And Gaza Strip

JAKARTA - Saudi Arabia's King Salman condemned Israeli aggression in Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. In a telephone conversation with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, he stressed that the Arab kingdom will continue to strive to embrace all sides to stop Israeli occupation efforts.

Saudi Arabia welcomed the declaration of a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip while appreciating mediation efforts by Egypt and internationally, spa news agency said, citing a Foreign Ministry statement.

The statement reaffirmed the kingdom's ongoing efforts with allies to reach a resolution. Egypt's efforts to mediate a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians took effect early Friday morning.

However, the ceasefire that Israel and the Palestinians have agreed to has to be broken instantly. Israeli police attack Palestinians at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday, May 21, 2021.

Palestinians living in East Jerusalem flocked to the Al-Aqsa Mosque Friday morning and celebrated a ceasefire reached between Israel and Hamas, a Palestinian resistance group.

They wanted to march from the Al-Aqsa Mosque to the Old City area, but Israeli police used stun grenades and gas bombs to disperse them. The attack injured a number of people, but the Palestinian Red Crescent has not released figures on how many people were injured.

This is not the first time Israel has betrayed a ceasefire. Through operation Cast Lead, Israel violated the ceasefire, on June 9, 2008.

Not only that. Israel is blackmailing The Palestinians. A moment that on the other hand opens the eyes of the world about who Israel is.

The deal initially went well. However, Israel violated it. The Cast Lead operation itself ran from 2008 to 2009.

The barrage of conflict led the two countries to a ceasefire agreed on June 19, 2008. The agreement was reached through negotiations in Cairo, where Egypt serves as a mediator.

As part of the ceasefire, Israel agreed to open a blockade of Gaza so that merchant ships could cross the border. Initially the ceasefire went well. However, Israel later violated the ceasefire, with their returning forces intimidating gazans.