Update On COVID-19 As Of April 29: Graph Of Addition Of Death Cases Continues To Slow Down

JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto, explained the progress of the case as of Wednesday, April 29 at 12.00 WIB. There were an additional 260 positive confirmed cases today.

The total number of positive patients to date has reached 9,771 cases. There were an additional 137 patients recovered, bringing the total to 1,391 patients. Meanwhile, 11 patients died, bringing it to 784 patients.

Based on these data, there is good news received. The graph of the increase in death cases per day continues to slow down in the last week. It's different when compared to the increasing number of cured cases which continues to increase.

Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto (doc. BNPB)

The details, there were 11 cases who died on April 23, then the number of cases who died had risen on April 24 to as many as 42 people. Then, the graph of death cases slowed down slowly on April 25 as many as 31 people, April 26 as many as 23 people, April 27 as many as 22 people, April 28 as many as 8 people, and today as many as 11 people died.

"The largest distribution of the age at death was in the age range of 30-59 years, with 364 people. The second highest was in the 60-79 age range, 311 people. Meanwhile, 28 people over 80 years of age," said Yuri in a press conference in Graha. BNPB, East Jakarta, Wednesday, April 29.

Yuri revealed that the highest factor that causes patients to die is hypertension congenital disease. Followed by diabetes, heart disease, and lung disease, both asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Then, additional numbers also occurred in patient data under surveillance (PDP) with a total of 21,653 people. Meanwhile, cases of people under monitoring (ODP) increased to 221,750.

There are 89 laboratories that have been actively conducting examinations. In detail, 48 laboratories in hospitals, 15 laboratories spread across universities, 18 Ministry of Health laboratory networks, 5 regional health laboratory networks, and 3 laboratories in the ranks of veterinary centers at the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture.

The test of saliva specimens (swab) or Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) has been carried out as many as 86,985 examinations. The number of cases examined was 86,985 people.

Then, the government will gradually be able to independently produce reagents or devices for the benefit of testing COVID-19 specimens. Until now, PCR examination reagents throughout Indonesia have distributed more than 438,090.

"We still have to increase our active participation by cutting the spread of COVID-19. We do this by increasing immunity, staying patient, not panicking, getting enough rest, maintaining distance, wearing masks, washing hands with soap, working together against COVID-19," he said.