News Of Grief Coming From North Sumatra, Total COVID-19 Patients Who Died Reached 1,017 People

JAKARTA - North Sumatra's COVID-19 Handling Task Force recorded the number of COVID-19 patients who died in the area increased by four people in one day, bringing the total to May 1,017 to 21." Four COVID-19 patients who died in Sumut were three each from Deliserdang and one from Medan," said Spokesperson of the Task Force on Handling COVID-19 Sumut, dr. Aris Yudhariansyah in Medan, Friday.The increase of four COVID-19 patients who died in one day makes the total number of cases died already as many as 1,017 to 21 May.The addition of patients died in line with the increase in patients suspek and confirmed. Patients confirmed in the same day increased by 97 people, bringing the total to 31,105.The addition of 97 most confirmed patients remained from Medan and Deliserdang with 33 and 23 people respectively." The task force continues to hope that the public will carry out the maximum health protocol because the COVID-19 pandemic continues," said Aris.

The addition of confirmed and deceased patient cases indicates that the prokes have not been adhered to by the citizens. In fact, he said, the government has made various efforts to suppress the spread of COVID-19. Lastly, said Aris, North Sumatra Provincial Government conducted the closure of the operation of nightlife venues from May 18-31