Corruption Of Road Construction In Aceh, State Losses Reached Rp4.2 Billion

JAKARTA - The High Prosecutor (Kejati) of Aceh stated that the state's losses of alleged corruption in the construction of Muara Situlen road in Southeast Aceh to Gelombang, Subulussalam City, reached Rp4.2 billion. Head of Information, Law, and Public Relations Section of Kejati Aceh Munawal Hadi said the value of the country's losses is known based on the results of the examination of the Development Finance Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of the Aceh Representative." The results of the examination of the state losses of muara Situlen-Gelombang road construction have been submitted to us. As a result, the value of state losses reached Rp4.2 billion," said Munawal Hadi reported by Antara, Friday, May 21.Munawal Hadi said that currently Kejati Aceh investigators are handling alleged corruption of the construction of Muara Situlen-Gelombang Road with a job value of Rp11.6 billion. The cost of road construction in the interior of Aceh is sourced from the Aceh Budget (APBA) in fiscal year 2018. The construction of the road is suspected to be not in accordance with specifications. In the investigation of the case, said Munawal Hadi, Kejati Aceh investigators have established four people as suspects. It is not closed the possibility of additional suspects, depending on the results of the ongoing investigation. The four suspects are the initials Jn bin Alm K (60) as the budget user power (KPA), SA bin S (43) as the technical implementation officer of activities (PPTK), and K alias S bin J (41) and K bin A (29), respectively as partners." Currently, the case handling process is in the case file repair stage. The public prosecutor asked investigators to correct the case file before it was handed over to the court," Munawal Hadi said.

Earlier, Head of Aceh Kejati Muhammad Yusuf said the construction of Muara Situlen-Gelombang road was carried out by the Public Works Office of the People's Company of Aceh Province.In its implementation, the road construction was carried out by CV Beru Dinam and PT Pemuda Aceh Konstruksi. But in the implementation, there were three changes to the contract or addendum." Of the three contract changes, eight include. Of all the changes in the work there are findings that initially Rp1.6 billion changed to Rp9.5 billion," said Muhammad Yusuf.

Once inspected, the work is done not according to specifications. Among other things, it is suspected that there is no hardening of the road body and the shoulder of the road is allegedly done originally, so it is not useful. Based on the results of the examination of expert witnesses, said Muhammad Yusuf, the volume of work completed and the quality of work in accordance with the general specifications of Bina Marga is only Rp6.3 billion from the contract value of Rp11.6 billion." The work has been handed over. The associate also conducts three disbursements. First Rp2.3 billion, second Rp5.1 billion, and third Rp4.2 billion," said Muhammad Yusuf.