Murderers And Rapists Of Girls In Kupang: I'm Afraid Of Being Castrated

JAKARTA - Directorate general criminal reserse East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police said, suspects rape and murder of a girl named Apriani Welkis (19) from Noelmina Village, Takari District, Kupang Regency, YT (41), threatened with the death penalty.

"The suspect is threatened with the threat of the death penalty or life or a maximum of 20 years in prison," ntt Police Public Relations Chief Kombes Pol Rishian Krisna B said during a press briefing to reporters in Kupang, reported by Antara, Friday, May 21.

Besides being threatened with the death penalty, he said, the suspect is also suspected of Article 340 of the Criminal Code sub Article 338 of the Criminal Code on The Crime of Murder deliberately and planned in advance to eliminate the lives of others.

The former North Central Timor Police Chief (TTU) said in this case, the suspect was known to have planned to commit murder of the victim. It is known from the knife used by the suspect who had been taken while picking up the victim.

Krisna further added that the suspect was previously known to have committed the murder of another girl in February 2021 at the same age, namely 19 years old.

The suspect's actions were revealed on May 17, 2021, the body of the second victim was found decomposing in one of the land owned by one of the companies in West Kupang, Kupang Regency.

The police in this case members of Resmob Subdit 3 Jatanras Polda NTT together with Kupang Police then hunted down the perpetrators. The suspect was then tasered by police while carrying a truck in kupang city.

"The suspect was arrested on Thursday, May 20, in kupang city area after the police conducted an investigation based on witness statements, CCTV footage, cdr cloned the victim's mobile phone number," he added.

Furthermore, he said, the investigation of the suspect is still ongoing, but from the results of the interim examination it is known that the motive of the perpetrator of the murder was to fulfill his sexual desire.

While his own modus operandi is the suspect offered a job to the victim through social media Facebook with the lure of a high salary in the warehouse of one of the stores so that the victim was tempted.

Because he was tempted by the job, the victim was then picked up by the perpetrator to be escorted to work. On the way the perpetrator stopped his vehicle at a location far from the settlement and seduced the victim to have sex in return for giving work to the victim.

The victim refused, then tried to escape but was arrested again by the suspect. Because of the resistance, the suspect then pulled a knife into the victim's chest, then banged the victim.

"This is the second time. In the first case last February also in the same way the suspect lured the job to a girl, then ended up in murder," he added.

While the suspect was interviewed separately claimed to be afraid of the punishment he would receive, namely the death penalty, especially the punishment of castration.

"I am afraid of being castrated," he said when accompanied by a number of members of jatanras NTT Police.

Tag: kriminalitas nusantara kasus hukum ntt pembunuhan