Zulhas Sindir Government On Foreigners Can Enter RI: Indonesia Is Not Like A Supermarket, Anything Comes In

JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) asked the government to be quick to respond to the findings of a new variant of COVID-19 from India B1617 that has now infected the citizens of DKI Jakarta.

According to him, President Jokowi is the most harmed if the Ministry of Health and related stakeholders do not immediately control the spread of the coronavirus mutation.

"This is the government needs to be responsive. Like this could be detrimental to Mr. Jokowi. Because the relevant ministries are less agile," said Zulkifli at the Secretariat of DPP PAN at Jalan Daksa 1, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday, May 21.

Including, policy questions that are considered contradictory. Where the government tightens mobility in the country but loosens the rules for foreign nationals such as India. Moreover, recently the government also allowed Chinese citizens to enter Indonesia for work reasons.

"It's Eid people go home can not, what can not, but India can. It's clear from India that (supposedly, red) can't get in. We're so leha-leha. So there has to be sensitivity. Indians alone can not be time we can not," said Zulhas.

"Therefore, please the government if it needs to stop all Indian countries do not have to enter," hope the legislator dapil Lampung.

The deputy chairman of the MPR regretted that when other countries tightened the arrival of people from abroad, Indonesia allowed entry.

"Singapore is strict, (country, red) others are strict kok. We're not like a supermarket, anything comes in. Fruit enters, COVID variants come in, all enter," sindir Zulhas.

Not to mention other issues related to the data of Indonesian residents who are 'broken into'. In this case Indonesia is also loose in closing internet hacking access.

"So please, the relevant agencies firmly should not enter," he said.

Zulhas added that during his visit to the areas where the spread of COVID-19 has begun to be controlled. He warned the government not to let the pandemic that has improved even worse with the opening of the foreign arrival faucet.

"I went to the area, Covid in some areas is not there, it has improved. We are improving if there is hope of the economy growing. Let's not let our guard down, we're tight outside the free. Well that's unsympathetic, insensitive. Therefore the government must be firm, the relevant agencies certainly overcome this," said Zulhas.

Known, the Provincial Health Office of DKI Jakarta found a new variant of COVID-19 cases from India B1617 in jakarta residents.

Previously, Director of Prevention and Control of Vector and Zoonotic Diseases of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Siti Nadia Tarmizi said the mutation of B1617 virus has indeed entered Indonesia.

This new variant of COVID-19 is on the results of a whole genome sequencing test from one of hundreds of Indian nationals who some time ago boarded a charter plane into Indonesia.

"This B1617 mutation we get from the cluster of Indian foreigners who were yesterday crowded, who left for Indonesia on April 10, 22 and 23," nadia said some time ago.

B1617 is a mutation of the virus originating from India transmission of B1617 being one of the factors that caused the tsunami of COVID-19 cases in India. The virus has been found in at least 17 countries.

Tag: nasional politik kasus covid 19 di indonesia partai amanat nasional bandara