Man Charged With Murder Of 13-year-old Girl In North West

SURABAYA - A member of the DprD Bangkalan Regency, Madura, initially H was designated as a suspect in the shooting case against L until his death.

Head of Public Relations of East Java Police Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko, called the shooting case because of the motive of heartache.

"The motive is heartache related to motorcycle theft," said Gatot, in Surabaya, Friday, May 21.

In addition to establishing H as a suspect, Gatot said east Java Police investigators had previously established two other suspects, namely the initials S and M, both of whom have now been detained.

"But for the last suspect (H) has not been detained, because it is still gathering evidence," he said.

According to Gatot, the shooting was done because H was hurt because L did not admit the theft of motorcycles, which was allegedly done L. This problem lighter H did the shooting.

In this case, gatot continued, H is the executor of the shooting L. There are also firearms used are still in the deepening, to ensure his ownership. At the time of the incident, the three suspects approached the victim at his home in Sepulu.

"They asked about the motorcycle that was lost and allegedly stolen by the victim. This victim was reciprocated for theft of a motor vehicle," he said.

The suspect asked L to return a motorcycle belonging to one of the suspects. But the victim did not acknowledge the allegations of the suspects, until then there was a scuffled and the culmination of suspect H shot the victim to death.

"The firearm used is senpi assembly type revolver caliber 38. The motive is heartache," he said.

The shooting in Sepulu, Bangkalan, Madura, occurred Sunday, March 28, early in the morning. At the site, victim L was found lifeless, with a gunshot wound near the right armpit.

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