Late Train Ticket Cancellation Now Only 3 Days

JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) is accelerating the refund process for canceled tickets through the KAI Access application. From the previous 45 days, now, refunds will be accelerated to three working days.

"This provision applies to cancellations from 30 April-4 June 2020 for train departures for the 2020 Lebaran Transport period, which is from 14 May-4 June 2020," said VP Public Relations KAI Joni Martinus in a written statement, Wednesday, April 29.

This acceleration is carried out so that customers can switch to canceling through the application so that the recommendation of physical distancing at the station can be carried out and the public does not have to come to the station, as is currently done.

The waiting room at Pasar Senen Station. (Angga Nugraha / VOI)

Joni then explained that from March 23 to March 29 there had been 877,618 train tickets canceled. Of this total 51 percent were canceled through the KAI Access application, while the rest were canceled at stations.

For the Lebaran 2020 Transport Train departing May 14 to June 4, the total ticket canceled reached 554,672 tickets. Meanwhile, 39 percent of tickets or 352,884 tickets have not been canceled.

The acceleration of ticket refunds, said Joni, is expected to be able to help the community, especially those who want to get their money back quickly. In addition, it is hoped that cancellations through this application can also support physical distancing recommendations.

Physical distancing illustration. (Ilham Amin / VOI)

To carry out the cancellation via KAI Access, Joni explained that ticket holders must download the latest KAI Access application. Furthermore, when registering, passengers must register the name and identification number that matches the data on the ticket.

Then on the cancellation menu, the ticket holder must enter an account number that has the same name as the passenger's name on the ticket.

Joni said, for further information, passengers can contact the KAI 121 Contact Center by telephone at 021-1212, email, or KAI 121 social media.

"Hopefully this policy will benefit people who have postponed their homecoming in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during the 2020 Lebaran Transportation Homecoming period," he concluded.