To Survive COVID-19 Pressure, Garuda Indonesia Offers Early Retirement

JAKARTA - PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) reportedly offers an early retirement program effective from July 1. This offer is owed in an email received by the employees. President Director of Garuda Irfan Setiaputra said this program was carried out as one of the efforts to restore business performance in the new normal era.

"Management is in the early stages of offering an accelerated retirement program for Garuda Indonesia employees who meet the criteria and requirements for participation in the program," he said in a brief message received by VOI, Friday, May 21.

Furthermore, Irfan said the pandemic situation that is still ongoing until now, requires the company to make adjustments to the supply and demand aspects amid the decrease in operating performance due to a significant decrease in flight traffic.

"We need to say that this accelerated pension plan is offered voluntarily to employees who meet the criteria. This policy is the best offer that we can strive for employees in the midst of the current pandemic situation, which of course always puts forward the common interests of all parties, in this case employees and the Company," he said.

Garuda Indonesia, said Irfan, ensures that all rights of employees who will take the program are fulfilled in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations and the policy of employment agreements agreed between employees and the Company.

"Through the accelerated pension plan we strive to provide opportunities to employees who want to plan for retirement as best as possible. Especially for those who have other priorities outside of work, as well as other career opportunities outside the company," he said.

Irfan did not deny, the decision to present this early retirement program is a tough step that must be taken by the company. Meksi so, he said this step should be done.

"But this option must be taken to survive the uncertainty of the situation of recovery of the performance of the aviation industry that has not shown a bright spot in the COVID-19 pandemic," he explained.

Previously, PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) reportedly offered an early retirement program effective from July 1. The offer is contained in an email received by Garuda employees. The early retirement plan was decided Wednesday, May 19. The email was sent by Human Capital Management.