Old Habits Brought To KPK, Firli Pajang Corruption Suspect

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named two new suspects in the development of a bribery case related to the PUPR Agency project in Muara Enim Regency. The two new suspects are the Chairman of the Muara Regency DPRD Enim Aries HB and the Acting PUPR Office of Muara Enim Regency Ramlan Suryadi.

There was something different when determining the suspect on Monday, 27 April. Usually, KPK suspects are discovered after investigations and wear orange vests. Now, the KPK displays them in orange vests during a press conference to determine the status of suspects.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri said that the inclusion of Aries and Ramlan in the press conference for determining the suspect was expected to have a deterrent effect on the community, as well as evidence of transparency.

"By presenting the suspects at the press conference, it is hoped that the public will see, 'oh, the suspect is there'," Firli told reporters in a written statement, Tuesday, April 28.

The inclusion of suspects also aims to create a sense of justice because there are no privileges for the criminals. So that all principles are equal before the law, according to Firli, have been fulfilled.

Press conference for determining corruption suspects in Muara Enim Regency (Capture the screen of the press conference on the KPK YouTube)

Former Deputy Chairman of the KPK for the 2015-2019 period Laode M Syarif said that during his tenure as chairman, the KPK never presented suspects when their legal status was published.

"For four periods it never happened. What I know, is that the Police have often done such things," said Syarif when asked for his response.

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Kurnia Ramadhana assessed that it was not a habit for the KPK to show suspects when announcing their legal status.

"Press conferences by showing suspects to the wider community are not a custom in the KPK," said Kurnia in his written statement.

According to him, what Firli has done is commonly seen by other law enforcers such as the police. So, Kurnia understands that Firli follows the style in his old institution.

Moreover, until now, the former South Sumatra Regional Police Chief has never declared that he will resign from the Bhayangkara Corps, even though he has been appointed as Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). "So, it's only natural that the old habits concerned are still being brought to the KPK," said Kurnia.

"This also illustrates that Firli Bahuri does not fully understand the habits that exist in the KPK itself," he added.

In addition, Kurnia also assessed that the KPK leadership in this period wanted to make a difference with the leadership in the previous period. But, he said, Firli Bahuri, cs didn't need to do this. Because, the difference has been very visible to the community.

This difference, according to him, can be seen from the number of prosecution carried out by the leadership of the previous period and the corruption cases that were successfully uncovered, most of which have a very large amount of state losses.

"Meanwhile, Firli's leadership regime has been minimal in taking action, often causing controversy and the impression of being afraid to face corruptors such as Harun Masiku and Nurhadi," he explained.

It is known, since being fugitive in January, the KPK has not yet been able to find the suspect in the bribery of the General Election Commission Commissioner (KPU) Wahyu Setiawan. Not only Harun, this anti-graft agency was also unable to find another fugitive, namely the former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi.

Apart from not being able to find their fugitives, the Firli Bahuri-era KPK is deemed not to have shown any sharpness. This is proven by the neglect of major cases from the previous period, such as the corruption case of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI), Bank Century Bailout, and Electronic KTP.

The KPK, said Kurnia, should not have to overdo it after arresting the two new suspects. Moreover, the alleged bribery case related to the PUPR Agency project in Muara Enim Regency is a development case from the previous KPK leadership.

According to him, the public could only appreciate the work of anti-graft agencies after Firli Bahuri cs was able to arrest Harun Masiku, Nurhadi, and the husband and wife couple Sjamsul Nursalim-Itjih Nursalim who were also on the run and were in Singapore. This pair is a suspect in the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) corruption.

Furthermore, public pride will also arise if the KPK is able to continue the Bank Century bailout case and resolve the case for procuring Electronic KTPs. "However, seeing the current work pattern of the KPK leadership, it seems that the public's desire will never be realized," he concluded.