The Nyaman Hotel Tebet South Jakarta Is Confiscated Related To Asabri Corruption

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Team conducted a confiscation of evidence in the case of alleged corruption of Financial Management and Investment Funds in PT. Insurance of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (ASABRI). The case is suspected of causing financial losses to the country of up to Rp22 trillion.

This time the seizure of assets belonging to suspects who were confiscated in the case are assets belonging to and or related to the suspect Director of PT Asabri period March 2016 - July 2020 Lt. Gen. (Purn) Sonny Widjaja.

Kejagung confiscated one area of land and/or buildings located in Badung Regency Bali, and 1 (one) area of land and or buildings in Tebet District, South Jakarta.

Foreclosure of 1 (one) area of land and buildings in Badung Regency, Bali has obtained the determination of foreclosure permits from the Chairman of Denpasar district court Class IA.

Meanwhile, for 1 (one) area of land and/or buildings in Tebet District South Jakata has obtained a confiscation permit from the Chairman of the Corruption Criminal Court at the Central Jakarta District Court Class IA.

Both determination of the foreclosure permit, which basically gives permission to the Investigator from the Attorney General to conduct foreclosure on 2 (two) areas of land and/or buildings in Badung Bali and Tebet District, South Jakarta.

Based on the Determination of the Chairman of the Denpasar District Court Class IA Number: 4/Khusus/Pen.Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PN Dps dated May 17, 2021, assets belonging to or related to SW suspect are 1 (one) area of land and buildings in accordance with the certificate of property rights No. 9584 covering 880 M2 located on Kubu Anyar Street No. 20 X Kuta Badung Regency, Bali with the rights holder on behalf of Setiyo Joko Santosa.

Meanwhile, based on the Determination of the Chairman of the Corruption Criminal Court at the Central Jakarta District Court Class IA Number: 69/Pen.Pid.Sus/TPK/V/2021/PN.Jkt.Pst. assets belonging to or related to suspect SW namely 1 (one) area of land and/or buildings in accordance with the Certificate of Building Use Rights (HGB) No.1479 covering an area of 415 M2 located at Tebet Baru VIII street Number 14 RT. 010/03 West Tebet Subdistrict, Tebet district, South Jakarta with rights holder on behalf of Setiyo Joko Santosa.

On top of 2 (two) plots of land located in Badung Bali Regency and Tebet District, South Jakarta, there is a building known as The Nyaman Hotel.

Against the assets of the suspects who have been confiscated, further assessment by the Office of Public Appraisal Services (KJPP) to be taken into account as a rescue of state financial losses in the next process.