Police Halt Investigation Into Palestinian Abuser's Case In NTB
JAKARTA - West Nusa Tenggara Police decided to stop investigating cases of insults against Palestinians with suspects with the initials HL aka Ucok. The termination of the investigation due to the settlement of the case is done in a restorative justice manner.
"Yes, the investigation was halted with the completion of restorative justice," ntb Police Public Relations Chief Kombes Artanto said in a statement on Thursday, May 20.
Settlement by restorative justice means not using legal or criminal channels.
This case was resolved by that method because HL aka Ucok has admitted his actions and apologized. From the results of the examination, the perpetrators do not understand the problems that occur between Palestine and Israel.
"The person concerned has also offered an apology," Artanto said.
Meanwhile, Head of Public Relations Division of Kombes Police Ahmad Ramadhan said the police had suspended HL's detention.
"Suspended on Wednesday, May 19, 2021," ramadhan said.
Previously reported, Cyber Crime investigators of west Nusa Tenggara Regional Police (POLDA NTB) confiscated tikTok social media account @ucokbangcok belonging to a suspect with the initials UC (23) who uploaded video content allegedly charged with insults against Palestinians.
"Regarding the TikTok account in question we have confiscated and are now under the control of investigators. Including with his facebook account," said Kanit I Subdit V Cyber Crime Ditreskrimsus Polda NTB AKP Priyo Suhartono, in Mataram quoted Antara, Tuesday, May 18.
In his personal TikTok account, UC who is now a suspect with suspicion of violating Article 45A paragraph 2 juncto Article 28 paragraph 2 of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) is said to have also uploaded video content apologies.
Tag: nusantara polri ntb tiktok palestina mabes polri polda ntb ujaran kebencian