Lawyer Rizieq Shihab Calls Crowd An Offence, Not A Crime

JAKARTA - Former Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) High Priest Rizieq Shihab requested that the panel of judges acquit him of all prosecutors' demands. That is the case that is being suspected in him.

The request was not without basis, Rizieq Shihab's Attorney, Sugito Atmo Parwiro said, according to Refly Harun's opinion when presented as a lightening expert, the crowd is an offense, not a criminal act.

"Refly Harun's description, this is an offence, not a crime, so apply azas ultimum remidium, criminal proceedings are the last alternative," Sugito said at the East Jakarta District Court, Thursday, May 20.

According to him, if the crowd committed by his client is a criminal act, then all cases of crowding should be criminalized. It's not just his clients.

"If it's a crime then any crowd that violates the prokes, should be in the legal process. Equlity before the law should be run, not cut down choose," sugito said.

In his pledoi, Rizieq Shihab alluded to several crowds conducted by a number of parties. Unfortunately the crowd was not processed legally.

Among other things, the crowd that Bobby Nasution and Gibran Rakabuming Raka did during the election campaign.

Then, President Joko Widodo during a working visit in Maumere. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama aka Ahok, Raffi Ahmad and a number of artists during the birthday celebrations.

For information, in the case of commotion in Petamburan, Rizieq Shihab was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment. In addition, Rizieq received additional demands in the form of a ban on joining the board for 3 years.

As for the megamendung crowd case, Rizieq was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment. Rizeq was also fined Rp50 million subsider 3 months in prison.

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