Here Are Seven Macroeconomic Indicators In The Preparation Of The 2022 Rapbn
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani presented macroeconomic indicators in the preparation of the Draft Budget of Revenue and Expenditure (RAPBN) 2022 at the Plenary Meeting of the House of Representatives held today at the Parliament Complex Senayan, Jakarta.
In his statement, the Minister of Finance said there are a number of considerations that affect the country's finances in the next year. Among them is taking into account the risk of continued uncertainty.
"Nevertheless, the government sees also the potential for global and national economic recovery in the next year with the record of COVID-19 still and can continue to be controlled," he said, Thursday, May 20.
The Minister of Finance added that another basis that is considered by the government is the pace of performance of financial institutions, especially banks, which can be projected to improve.
"We also see that the banking intermediation function can be restored again supported by Bank Indonesia's monetary policy, as well as ojk's conducive financial sector policy," he said.
On that basis, the government then set seven important points that become macroeconomic indicators in the preparation of the 2022 Rapbn. Here is the full list.
1. Indonesia's economic growth is estimated at 5.2 percent to 5.8 percent
2. Inflation in the range of 2 percent to 4 percent
3. Interest rate of 20-year Government Securities (SUN) in the range of 6.32 percent to 7.27 percent
4. Rupiah exchange rate in the range of Rp13,900 to 15,000 U.S. dollars
5. Indonesian crude oil price of 55-65 dollars perbarel
6. Petroleum lifting in the range of 686,000-726,000 barrels per day
7. Lifting oil gas 1,000,031 to 1,000,103 barrels of oil equivalent per day
"Learning in the handling of COVID-19 and its wide impact, as well as structural challenges in our economy, the architecture of fiscal policy 2022 must be adaptive, anticipatory, responsive, but still focused on achieving long-term goals," said the Minister of Finance.