Insulting Palestinian Student Dropped Out Of School, KPAI Is Worried About His Future

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) will hold a coordination meeting by inviting the Bengkulu Provincial Education Office after the case of high school students in Bengkulu being expelled or dropping out of school for insulting Palestine.

"KPAI will propose Komnas Perempuan to jointly hold a coordination meeting by inviting the Education Ministry and the Bengkulu Provincial Education Office to fulfill the right to MS Education as students," said KPAI Commissioner for Education, Retno Listyarti to VOI, Thursday, May 20.

In the meeting later, Retno admitted that she would encourage the Education Office to fulfill the right to MS education. Retno was worried that many other schools would reject MS when she enrolled in a new school.

"It is feared that after the TikTok video case goes viral, many schools will reject MS mutations, even though MS's future is still long," said Retno.

"It means, most likely MS will drop out of school. As a citizen, MS has violated their basic rights to obtain education or teaching as mandated by Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution," he added.

Retno admitted that she was very concerned. Legal cases, said Retno, should not eliminate the right to education of the student with the initials MS. Although, currently MS is 19 years old and is not the age of a child anymore.

"Sanctions against MS should not be issued, especially since MS has apologized, acknowledged his mistakes, and regretted his actions. So MS should have been given the opportunity to improve, because his future is still long," said Retno.

For information, MS made a recording of hate speech against Palestinians who are currently in conflict with Israel. In the 8-second upload that was deleted by TikTok, MS recorded himself voicing blasphemy against Palestine.

As a result, MS was expelled from school. This decision was taken after the school evaluated the school's rules and regulations and violations of MS, the results concerned were deemed to have exceeded the provisions.

MS has apologized and said his actions were spontaneous as a form of prank with the aim of following the trend of social media and he did not expect it to have long tails.