There Has Been No Increase In Cases, Task Force: The Impact Of 2-3 Weeks Of Eid Holiday

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito appealed to people who had just returned from traveling to carry out self-quarantine for 5 x 24 hours as a form of responsibility to the people around them. The reason is, the impact of the long holiday can only be seen 2-3 weeks after that.

"Especially for offices whose employees travel between regional borders during id Al-Fitr holidays. This is to oblige employees to carry out self-quarantine before returning to the office," said Wiku in his statement as quoted on Thursday, May 20.

He also asked all village and sub-district posts to monitor people traveling to carry out self-quarantine for 5 x 24 hours.

"This needs to be a concern so that the community and handling in their respective areas run optimally," he said.



Wiku said that at this time it had not yet shown the impact of the holidays and Eid homecoming activities. Therefore, he appealed to all parties not to be complacent even though last week's developments in positive cases and deaths showed a decline.

Nevertheless, Wiku hopes that Eid Al-Fitr momentum and the long holidays will not cause a spike in cases.

If you look at the development of the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, the numbers are gradually improving. This positive development can be seen from the number of active cases which continues to decline every day until it reaches below 90 thousand cases or as of May 17, 2021, in numbers of 89.129 cases with a percentage of 5.1 percent.

Patients recovered continued to increase every day until it reached 1.606.611 people or the percentage was 92.1 percent compared to the world at 87.1 percent. For deaths, as many as 48.305 cases or 2.76 percent compared to 2.1 percent of the world.