Fixing Errors, DKI Provincial Government Adds Social Assistance Recipients In The Second Stage

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has completed the first phase of social assistance distribution (bansos) to 1,178,173 DKI residents on April 9-24. This assistance was channeled to help the economy of residents affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

However, the DKI Provincial Government has not started the second phase of social assistance. Head of the Wholesale Retail Distribution Division of PD Pasar Jaya, Edison Sembiring, said that his party will add data on social assistance recipients in the second stage.

"We have finished the first stage of the distribution of social assistance. It is possible that the number of recipients of social assistance will increase along with the type of package contents. However, there is no additional data (determination) because it is still being discussed," said Edison when contacted, Tuesday, April 28.

This additional plan is carried out to minimize the inaccuracy of data on social assistance recipients. This is because in the distribution of aid in the first phase, many problems were found.

For example, it is recorded that there are social assistance recipients who work as Civil Servants (PNS) in Pademangan District, North Jakarta. In addition, there are also recipients who work as active members of the TNI who live in Pademangan.

Another example, in Jatinegara Village, Cakung, East Jakarta, there is an elderly mother who is categorized as poor but does not receive social assistance. Meanwhile, some residents who own a car are registered as recipients of social assistance.

In fact, a member of the DPRD DKI from the PDIP faction Jhonny Simanjuntak who was listed as a recipient of social assistance in Lagoa Village, Koja District, North Jakarta.

"That way, the distribution will be carried out again after the discussion with the DKI Provincial Government is complete to make it more accurate," he said.

For information, the DKI Provincial Government is implementing a social assistance program during the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) period. This assistance is used as a social safety net aimed at the poor and vulnerable to poverty due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

In detail, the assistance provided was in the form of a package of staple food commodities, namely 5 kg 1 sack of rice, 2 cans of protein foodstuffs, 1 pack of cooking oil 0.9 liter, 2 packs of biscuits, 2 cloth masks, and 2 sticks of soap. No cash assistance was provided.

One social assistance package that has been distributed and packaged by Perumda Pasar Jaya is worth IDR 149,500. However, the aid will be sent four times with a total aid of Rp. 600 thousand for one household.

The target recipients of social assistance who are currently being distributed are 1.2 million families living in DKI Jakarta. This social assistance is distributed every day, starting from April 9 to 24, 2020. Social assistance comes from the unexpected expenditure fund (BTT) of the 2020 DKI Jakarta Regional Budget.

As many as 1.2 million households receiving social assistance from the APBD are stage I recipients. Meanwhile, social assistance from the APBN through the Ministry of Social Affairs will be distributed to 1.25 million other households after the phase I distribution of social assistance is completed.

However, the distribution of social assistance in DKI does not run smoothly. DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan also asked for an announcement regarding the inaccuracy of the data on social assistance receipts.

He considered it natural, if there were people who deserved assistance but were not recorded. Likewise, people who are still able to do so are listed as recipients of social assistance. This is because the number of social assistance recipients at stage one is quite a lot, namely 1.2 million families.

"We give it to 1.2 million names. Of course, it is impossible to be perfect. In this country, the data is super accurate, I think friends also know (the conditions). So if you search, there must be (mistakes)," he said Anies.