Mahfud MD Submits LHKPN, Several Other Ministers Have Not

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD reported his State Administrators Asset Report (LHKPN) to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Mahfud denied that there were any other talks from his arrival.

"I am here to fulfill my obligations as a state official, which is to submit a report on the assets of an official. That's all, nothing else," Mahfud told reporters after reporting his wealth at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, December 2. .

Mahfud last reported his assets in 2013, when he served as Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK). Meanwhile, Mahfud did not report his assets while serving as a member of the Pancasila Ideology Steering Body (BPIP) in 2018 because his position was not long.

"My last report was when he was an official. That was when the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. So in Pancasila it was only 2018," he said.

Mahfud mentioned that the cabinet minister, Joko Widodo, had not yet reported his LHKPN, especially those from the private sector. He understood that they had not reported yet because filling out the LHKPN was quite complicated.

"It's not unwilling, but the report is complicated. If it's like us, since 2002, the report is once every two years. So officials report every two years. So it's just a matter of connecting. Which changes, which new ones," he said.

Confirmed about the difficulty of filling in the LHKPN, KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah expressed his disagreement. This is because LHKPN with periodic or annual reporting can be done simultaneously with the submission of tax reports. The things that must be filled in are more or less the same and the method can be through electronic reporting via e-LHKPN or directly visiting the KPK building.

He added, of the 34 ministers who were sworn in in October 2019, there are still a number of ministers who have not reported their wealth.

"There are some (ministers) who still have not reported at all," said Febri.

Those who have not reported are BUMN Minister Erick Thohir, Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian, Minister of Trade (Mendag) Agus Suparmanto, Minister of Villages (Mendes) and Development of Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration (PDTT) Abdul Halim Iskandar, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparkraf) Wishnutama Kusbandio, as well as the Head of the Investment and Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia have also not reported their wealth.

Not only ministers, there are also three deputy ministers who have not reported their wealth, namely Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesodibjo, Deputy Minister of the Environment and Forestry Alue Dohong, and Deputy Minister of Village and PDTT Budi Arie Setiadi.