COVID-19 Cases In West Kalimantan Continue To Increase, There Are An Additional 117 Cases

PONTIANAK - Head of the West Kalimantan Health Office, Harisson, said that the positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the province had increased by 117 cases.

"As our prediction, after Lebaran, confirmed cases of COVID-19 in West Kalimantan will continue to increase, where today we have received another 117 out of 707 PCR samples examined," said Harisson in Pontianak, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 19 .

He explained, of the 117 new confirmed cases, nine people were hospitalized.

There are also cases where there are 17 people in Pontianak City, Bengkayang with one person, Singkawang City with one person, Sintang for seven people, Kubu Raya for eight people.

The distribution of cases in Sambas was also recorded as 37 people, Sanggau 16 people, Sekadau 25 people, Ketapang three people, Landak one person and Mempawah one person.

Meanwhile, there were 104 confirmed cases of recovery from Pontianak City, as many as 40 people, and five people from Kubu Raya.

Then Kapuas Hulu one person, Sambas 21 people, Singkawang one person, Ketapang one person, Mempawah three people, Landak 11 people and Sekadau 21 people.

"The total confirmed cases in West Kalimantan to date reached 9,602 with 710 active cases or 7.39 percent, 8,817 cases recovered or 91.82 percent and 75 cases or 0.78 percent died," said Harisson.

To reduce the increasing number of cases of COVID-19 confirmation in West Kalimantan, Harisson said that his party will continue to carry out tracing in each area and his party appealed to the Regional Government to continue to maximize this.

In addition, his party will also maximize the implementation of PPKM Mikro which is carried out in conjunction with PPKM districts and cities, namely limiting the operating hours of shopping centers or malls to only 20.00 WIB.

"So, with this PPKM, all shopping centers must be closed at 20.00 WIB and of course with the implementation of more stringent health protocols," he said.

For eating and drinking activities in restaurants, explained Harisson, the place is limited to a capacity of 50 percent. Meanwhile, for food services via delivery or take-out orders, it is still permitted, according to restaurant operating hours.