Three Days Of Homecoming Offenders Decrease, On The Fourth Day They Go Up

JAKARTA - Enforcement of the rules on the prohibition of going home at several checkpoints succeeded in reducing the number of violators some time ago. During the three days of the prosecution, the number of vehicles leaving the Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jadetabek) areas decreased by 50 percent. However, on the fourth day there was an increase.

Based on police data, there were 1,873 vehicles on the first day of action at the two checkpoints. With details, 1,021 vehicles on the Cikarang Barat toll road and 852 vehicles on the Bitung toll road.

Then, a decrease in the number of vehicles also occurred in the following days. About 1,293 vehicles were forced to make a U-turn to the starting place on the second day of action and only 875 vehicles on the third day.

Director of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said the decrease in the number of vehicles leaving Jadetabek was assessed because of the already high public awareness. So, people choose to obey the regulations issued by the government.

"The level of public awareness is increasing not to go home," said Sambodo in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 28.

Although in the three days of enforcement the number of vehicles decreased, on the fourth day the vehicles trying to get out of Jakarta and other buffer areas experienced a slight increase.

Based on available data, on the fourth day of the action, 907 vehicles were forced to return to their places of origin. So, when compared with the action on the third day the number has increased.

"The action on the fourth day of 907 vehicles was reversed. The vehicles consisted of 458 private four-wheeled vehicles, 83 motorbikes and 366 public vehicles," said Sambodo.

Public Policy Analysis Observer Agus Pambagio asked the government to be more assertive in carrying out this action prohibiting homecoming. This is because the number of violators of the prohibition against going home can reach thousands in a day.

"The government must be firm because so far it is still lacking. Whatever the government's efforts, if the people are not sure about it, it will be the same," said Agus.

Meanwhile, Trubus Rahadiansyah's Public Policy Analysis said, the high number of violators of the rules on the prohibition of going home was due to a lack of socialization. However, not because the information is really minimal, but because many people don't care.

"Many people are ignorant and do not want to hear the appeal from the government. So all government efforts seem useless," said Trubus.