Our Education System Is Not For Educating, DO Bengkulu Student Insulting Palestine The Proof

JAKARTA - High school students in Bengkulu, MS have been expelled (drop out / drop out) from school because TikTok content contains insults to Palestine. For MS, this case could actually be more serious because the police were involved. But from a broader perspective, we are actually witnessing evidence that the Indonesian education system was not established to educate people.

"I apologize for my actions, both to Palestinians and to all Indonesians," said MS, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 18.

Central Bengkulu Police Chief AKBP Ary Baroto said there was actually a legal process against MS. But the legal process was later terminated following a meeting which was held as mediation between the parties.

The meeting was attended by MS and his parents, police representatives, Committee Chairperson, FKUB, Benteng Kesbangpol Agency, Benteng Ministry of Religion, Benteng DPRD Commission I and the Benteng Region VIII Education Office Branch, and the MS school.

"We do the settlement of this case with restorative justice, in which every problem solving is not always resolved by criminal law," said Ary Broto.

It was at the meeting that MS apologized and confessed that she regretted her actions. The request was conveyed by MS to all Palestinians and the people of Indonesia. Yes, Indonesian people.

Head of the Regional VIII Education Office Branch of Central Bengkulu Regency Adang Parlindungan said MS's actions violated existing regulations. "We made this decision because the school has indeed collected data on the rules of MS violation points," said Adang.

"From the data on discipline points, it is known that the MS, the disciplinary points of MS have exceeded the existing provisions," added Adang, who did not even mention the responsibility of the school or his own responsibility in this case.

So who should be responsible?

School, of course. If it is pulled down, teacher. If you look at this broader context, the Education Office, including Adang must also be responsible. Yes, that is if our education system is running properly. But not so with MS.

Contacted by VOI, Wednesday, May 19, Paramadina University education expert Totok Amin Soefijanto said that the teacher's responsibility in the context of the MS case is to provide an understanding of the situation of the community at home and abroad.

Israeli attacks on Palestine (Reuters via Antara)

In the global era, teachers must equip themselves with knowledge related to international issues "so that they can provide guidance to their students on big issues like Palestine. If the teacher is knowledgeable, then their students can understand better."

With sufficient understanding, actions as indicated by MS will not occur. So, schools should not wash their hands by removing MS from school.

"This step is not educational, although it can give a deterrent effect or fear to other students. Schools should provide better guidance to these students," said Totok Soefijanto.

Minister of Education and Technology, Research and Technology Nadiem Makarim (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

In a broader context, the education authority that oversees schools, from the office to the Minister Nadiem Makarim, should be mirrored. How can we believe this education system is formed and organized to educate, when people who are less educated are actually cut off from access to education.

"Don't take it out. The future of the students must be maintained. Apply more educational restorative justice," said Totok.

"Yes, the purpose of education is only to fulfill formal procedures. Education is broad, far beyond the curriculum or good behavior report cards. The teacher's challenge is precisely when facing difficult students," he added.

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