Not Always Good, This Is A Bad Effect That Occurs If You Consume Too Many Carrots

JAKARTA - Carrots are one of the vegetables that are rich in nutrients such as vitamin A and beta carotene and have proven many benefits, including improving vision function. Even though it has good benefits, never eat carrots excessively. The reason is, if consumed in excess, carrots can actually endanger your health.

Reporting from Medical News Today, Wednesday, May 19, the following are the adverse effects that occur if you consume excessive carrots.


Apart from having benefits for improving eye health, carrots are also believed to improve the health of the digestive tract and facilitate bowel movements. However, if you eat too many carrots, it can irritate indigestion so that you experience constipation.

Yellow skin

Consumption of too many carrots can cause the skin to turn yellow. This can happen because carrots contain beta carotene. Well, if too much beta carotene enters the body, it will make the skin color yellow.

Vitamin A poisoning

The content of vitamin A that makes carrots can help maintain healthy eyesight. You can feel this benefit if you consume it in the right amount. If consumed in excess, vitamin A can actually make you poisoned. So, if you want to get the benefits of carrots, just consume them in moderation.