Anies Does Not Want To Be Said To Be Angry When "Drying" 239 DKI Civil Servants Do Not Participate In Job Selection

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan denied that he had scolded 239 State Civil Servants (ASN) for refusing to participate in the open selection selection for echelon II high leadership positions (JPT).
Anies said that he "dried" 239 ASNs in the field at the City Hall of DKI, Medan Merdeka Selatan Street, Central Jakarta, was only limited to admonishing him for not following his instructions.
"They were reprimanded and (I) didn't get angry", Anies said when he was met in the Sunter area, North Jakarta, Wednesday, May 19.
Anies said the reason he collected hundreds of ASN at that time was limited to reminding that government employees have an obligation to improve their ability to work. You do this by following the job selection.
"We want that there will continue to be rejuvenation. This opportunity is opened to everyone so that there can be rejuvenation in DKI. Instead, they are required to register so that they are many new ones", he said.
As previously reported, on Monday, May 10 afternoon, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan "dried" 239 ASNs in the DKI City Hall field. They do not want to participate in the open selection registration for echelon II.
"Luckily, ladies and gentlemen are wearing masks today, you can't see your face. If you take a photo, your faces are recorded as individuals who did not carry out the instructions. I want to convey it here, we are really ashamed. Shame why there are instructions not being implemented", said Anies.
In fact, Regional Secretary Instruction Number 43 of 2021 has been issued regarding open selection for high leadership positions in DKI Jakarta since last April. These instructions are mandatory for ASNs to meet the requirements.
If ASN cannot participate in the open selection, then they are obliged to convey the reasons why they cannot participate in the open selection for echelon II positions.
"This means that if there is an instruction, it must be carried out. Not just silence and then hoping that it is not known, hoping that it will not be seen as a problem. That is called irresponsible action", said Anies.
Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria admitted that his party is currently formulating sanctions for 239 DKI ASNs who are reluctant to participate in the open selection for echelon II high leadership positions (JPT).
"So far, there are no provisions related to sanctions. Now, in the future we are formulating what sanctions are possible", said Riza, Tuesday, May 18.
Riza admitted that ASN DKI has the right not to increase its position by not following the selection. However, they also have the obligation not to explain the reasons for not participating in the job auction.
"Civil servants also have the right to participate and not participate, but there must be a basis. Do not let them. If they do not participate, for example because they are not healthy, are about to retire, or because they feel they do not have competence in that field. The important thing is, we ask everyone to participate, to say why not?", said Riza.