Aurel Hermansyah Miscarriage, When Is The Right Time To Announce Pregnancy?

JAKARTA - In early May, Atta Halilintar shared a happy news that his wife, Aurel Hermansyah, tested positive for their first child. However, on Tuesday, May 19, Atta and Aurel uploaded posts on social media regarding Aurel's miscarriage.

There is much speculation that the cause of Aurel's miscarriage was partly because the two partners announced their pregnancy too quickly to the public. Yes, Atta and Aurel did share the happy news through uploading videos on Youtube when Aurel's pregnancy was just one week old.

Judging from the story of Atta and Aurel, when is the right time to announce the pregnancy so that it won't be seen as boasting?

Actually there are no standard rules regarding the right time to announce pregnancy. But indeed most women choose to convey this happy news to their closest ones when pregnancy enters the end of the first trimester. The reason is simple because the risk of miscarriage starts to decrease after this time so parents feel calmer about announcing.

In addition to announcing at the end of the first trimester, there are also prospective parents who choose to announce their pregnancy when signs of pregnancy appear, such as an enlarged abdomen and changes in body shape. The same thing was also expressed by Aurel through a Youtube video uploaded on the Atta Halilintar channel. In the video, Aurel reveals that the obstetrician advises to share the news of pregnancy at least when the mother's stomach begins to enlarge to avoid unwanted things.

However, there are also those who announce it when they already know the sex of the baby, after the first doctor's examination, or after hearing the child's heartbeat during an ultrasound examination.

Judging from the variety of times for announcing pregnancy above, it can be concluded that there is actually no definite standard of when is the right time to announce pregnancy. This is because every parent-to-be must have their own set time and desire to convey their pregnancy.