DKI Becomes The Province With The Lowest Compliance In Maintaining Distance In Tourist Attractions

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito said that compliance with the implementation of health protocols to maintain distance in tourist attractions in DKI Jakarta during the Eid Al-Fitr holiday period on May 12-15, 2021 is the lowest compared to other provinces.

"The Task Force has monitored community compliance in maintaining distance in 24 provinces in Indonesia. DKI Jakarta has the lowest level of compliance with protocols for maintaining distance at tourist attractions by 27 percent," Wiku said in a YouTube broadcast by the Presidential Secretariat, Tuesday, May 18.

Other provinces with low obedience to maintaining distance in tourist attractions are Bangka Belitung 33 percent, Riau 58 percent, and South Sumatra 62 percent.

Meanwhile, in compliance with wearing masks at tourist attractions, the province with the lowest ranks in Bangka Belitung is 33 percent, South Sumatra 58 percent and DKI Jakarta 60 percent.

"Of course I really regret that the obedience of the community maintains a distance and wears masks, even in big cities like DKI Jakarta, it records low numbers in tourist attractions," he said.

Wiku is worried about tourist attractions that are crowded with people and have the potential to increase the transmission of COVID-19 in the crowds that occur.

Moreover, 122,899 people received warnings for not complying with health protocols at tourist attractions nationwide. This figure increased to 90 percent compared to the previous week, May 5 to 8, which was 92,761 people.

Wiku said the local government should see the progress in handling COVID-19 making it a basis for re-evaluating the operation of the tourism sector in the field, as stated in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 11 of 2021.

The instructions govern the application of randomized screening with the rapid antigen and GeNose test methods to be carried out for indoor tourism sites and the application of strict health protocols for outdoor tourism sites.

Then, prohibiting the opening of tourist locations in districts / cities that are included in the orange zone and the red zone. And if a violation is found, then the location will be closed.

In addition, said Wiku, regional governments must conduct regular policy evaluations. So, the next intervention can be adjusted and the impact that results from the policy. Both in terms of the economy and the development of COVID-19 in each region.

"I am sure, if all local governments are firm and able to formulate the right policies, complemented by effective collaboration with the community, then we will be able to increase regional and national economic movement. Simultaneously, we will also be able to control the COVID-19 case," said Wiku.