Who Is Fachrul Razi, Minister Of Religion For The Republic Of Indonesia?

JAKARTA - The senior figure, General Purnawirawan Fachrul Razi, was officially appointed as Minister of Religion for the Advanced Indonesian Cabinet for the 2019-2024 period. The election of a four-star general with a military background is clearly seen as an attempt by President Jokowi's administration to tackle the issue of radicalism and extremism, which are occurring in the midst of this nation's religious civilization.

"The 9th Mr. General Fachrul Razi as the minister of religion. This is the (Menag) affair related to radicalism, the economy of the people, the halal industry I think, and especially the hajj under him,"


Fachrul Razi is the third Minister of Religion to come from the military during this Republic's establishment. Accompanying Lieutenant General Alamsyah Ratu Perwiranegara in the Pembangungan Cabinet III (1978-1983) and Rear Admiral Tarmizi Taher in the Pembangungan Cabinet VI. Three figures, two occurred in the New Order era, and Fachrul in the Reformation era.

Fachrul Razi answered with his strong confidence in one of the television interview sessions why President Jokowi chose him. Fachrul's allegations that he heard from his closest circle, indeed required a firm figure in addressing recent issues that have troubled religious adherents. Even though he is from the military, according to him, he is ready to openly cover all criticisms from various religious organizations.

Who is Fachrul Razi

Fachrul Razi was born and grew up in the city of Banda Aceh, Aceh Darussalam in 1947. Born to Minangkabau overseas parents from the Maninjau area, West Sumatra. As a 1970 Military Academy graduate with Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, Fachrul Razi also has excellence in infantry.

A number of prestigious positions have been achieved by the retired general when he was active as a soldier before becoming Deputy Commander of the TNI in 1998-199, including: Commander of the 17th Airborne Infantry Brigade, Kujang 1 Kostrad, Deputy Assistant Operations of KASAD, to the Head of Military Region VII / Wirabuana and the Governor of the Military Academy.

As the position of RI-1 moved to the hands of Abdurrahman Wahid, Gus Dur. His position as Deputy Commander of the TNI was forced to be removed in 2000 at Gus Dur's desire to eliminate this position from within the TNI organizational structure.

Fachrul Razi's career journey, which can be said to be quite busy, was known to the public when he became one of the seven Officers Honorary Council who signed the Recommendation Letter for Prabowo's dismissal after the 1998 tragedy. His role was as Deputy Chair of the Honorary Council.

When it is time to retire, in 2015 based on the General Shareholders Decree of PT. Aneka Tambang (ANTAM) officially appointed Fachrul Razi as Commissioner. His involvement is also in PT. Toba Sejahtera as commissioner of the holding company since 2005 and President Commissioner of CP Prima since 2010. Both are still running today.

Fachrul Razi's educational background is quite impressive, he successfully earned a Bachelor of Social and Political Science degree from the Open University in 1995, combined with the addition of a Bachelor of Laws from the Military Law College two years later in 1997. Completing the Master of Laws Post-Bachelor of Military Law College at the year 2002.

He also became one of the founding initiators of the People's Conscience Party (Hanura) with Gen. (ret) TNI Wiranto. He admitted that at that time only at the beginning he was involved. His admission was that it had been a dozen years since he had not touched the party made by Wiranto.

The role of Fachrul Razi behind Jokowi's figure turned out to have been there since 2014. His decision to stand in support of Jokowi-JK paid off well. So that at that time he became a figure that was used as a reference and was involved as a defense advisor during the formation of the new cabinet.

Luhut Binsar Panjaitan's initiation was to present the Bravo-5 Team. Chaired by Fachrul Razi who is based on the same vision of retired TNI officers and several senior police officers who support the Jokowi-Ma'aruf Amin pair, the success team is his term. After the presidential election was over, the Bravo-5 Team, which recently expanded into a community organization, was no longer commanded by Fahcrul Razi as before.

Minister of Religion for the Republic of Indonesia, All Religions

Shortly after his official inauguration as Minister of Religion of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, he stated that he was the Minister of Religion for the Republic of Indonesia who oversaw all official religions according to the law. Even though the majority of Muslims here, he assures that other religions have the same rights as the majority.

"Even if I were the Minister of Religion, I would not be the Minister of Islamic Religion, but the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia who is the official religion in Indonesia."

Polemics and controversy erupted after Fachrul Razi's inauguration as Minister of Religion in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet. As if breaking through the post-reform tradition, the ones who served as Minister of Religion were civilians not military, plus the portion of the role between NU and Muhammadiyah was clear. However, Fahcrul Razi's conviction himself was also supported by older NU kyai and Muhammadiyah officials, coupled with his straightforward tone he warned the media not to collide with figures of religious organizations, changing previous skeptical views.

"His strengths are besides being a religious expert, as well as a strategist," Mashuri, Chair of PCNU Solo.

His desire to restore harmony with religious deradicalism was evident when he was active as a young cadet through the Mosque Command Group which handled Islamic spirituality. The Mosque Command Group, which is tasked with deepening Islam for junior cadets who want to deepen Islam.

Regarding the number of religious preachers that smelled of radicalism, Fachrul admitted that not all of them were. Even if there were only a handful of them accidentally or unconsciously it was too out of tolerance. According to him, Islam is a blessing for the universe, rahmatan lil alamin. Also full of affection for their different neighbors. Islam actually emphasizes unity, oneness and Pancasila, it admits.

"That is a challenge for me, in facing a situation like this. Incidentally, the army really likes challenges, "he said clearly full of implied confidence. It was strengthened again at a press conference at his new office, the office of the Ministry of Religion, Lapangan Banteng, 23 October 2019:

"We have to agree that my friends, Mr. Fachrul is the minister of religion, yes, yes but I am not the Minister of Islamic Religion, I am the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. In it there are other religions. But if I use the Islamic approach it is fine because indeed Islam is a religion that is embraced by the majority, "

Fachrul Razi

Fachrul Razi Interesting Facts

One Force Together with Luhut Binsar Panjaitan. Entering the National Military Academy in Magelang in 1967 and graduating in 1970, Fachrul Razi was in the same rank as Luhut Binsar Panjaitan and former Army Chief of Staff Subagyo Hadisiswoyo.

The oldest minister in the advanced Indonesian cabinet. He is the figure of the Minister with the oldest age among other Ministers in the cabinet. This retired TNI soldier who was born in 1947 has entered his 72nd year of July 2020.

Assignments to Iran and Iraq. While active in the military, he was the commander of the IX / 2 Garuda Contingent assigned to Iran-Iraq under the UNIIMOG mission.

Profile of Fachrul Razi

Full name: Fachrul Razi S.IP., SH, M.H Place and date of birth: Banda Aceh, July 26, 1947 Rank: General Retired TNI 4 Star Title: Bachelor of Political Science (S.IP), Bachelor of Law (SH), Masters Law (MH) Religion: Islam Property: Rp. 22,644,278,752 (2018 / LHKPN)


National Military Academy (1970) Master of Law, College of Military Law (2002) Bachelor of Law, College of Military Law (1997) Bachelor of Social and Political Sciences, Open University (1995)

Career Journey:

Minister of Religion, Advanced Indonesian Cabinet (2019-2024) Chairman of the Bravo-5 Team (1999-2000) Deputy Commander of the TNI (1999-2000) Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense (1999) Chief of the General Staff of ABRI (1998-1999) Assistant Operations of KASM ABRI (1997) -1998) Governor of the Military Academy (1996-1997)