The Existence Of The MIT Group Is Confirmed By The National Police To Be Detected, But It Requires Large Resources

JAKARTA - The National Police confirms that they are aware of the existence of the Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT) group led by Ali Kalora. It's just that it takes a lot of resources to reach that location.

"It is (the MIT location), only indeed, the location is there," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Tuesday, May 18.

Great resources, continued Rusdi, such as the physicality of stronger personnel. Including the equipment side.

The reason was, the terrain at the location where the MIT group was hiding was quite difficult to pass.

"So it requires a lot of resources, meaning that the personnel are physically aligned, it requires something big," he said.

Apart from that, there are other factors that also make it difficult to hunt for this group. One of them, they are constantly moving to find new hiding locations.

"They keep moving. The area where they are playing is that the security forces have identified it and the terrain is not easy," said Rusdi.

Previously reported. the East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) terrorist group is acting up again. They killed four people in Kalimago Village, East Lore District, Poso, Central Sulawesi.

"The total number of victims found was four people, the four of them were farmers in Kalimago Village," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Sulawesi Police, Kombes Didik Supranoto.

Didik said the four victims were found dead and injured. According to the testimony of the witness who managed to escape, the alleged perpetrator was the MIT Poso group.

"There are no gunshot wounds, only wounds caused by sharp weapons. The body has been evacuated and buried by the family, "he said.

Didik explained that the four victims were found at two different locations (TKP) in a coffee plantation in Kalimago Village. This incident was the second terrorist act carried out by the MIT Poso group in Kalimago Village, before at the end of 2015 a number of residents were held hostage.

"From witness testimony, the leader of this terror group is Qatar, one of the DPOs," he continued.

According to Didik, the four victims who were tortured were PP, LL, SS, and MS. While in the garden, as many as five unknown people came to the farmers and carried out their actions. Apart from killing the four farmers, the group suspected of being DPO MIT Poso also took a number of belongings of the victim.

"Farmers who were suspicious of their existence, immediately ran and reported. Apart from killing, they also took money and several other items belonging to the victim, "said Didik.