MUI: Expulsion In Sheikh Jarrah Image Of Israel Wanting To Control Palestine

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) said the expulsion of Muslims in Sheikh Jarrah by the Israeli military was a picture of the country wanting to control Palestinian land. "It gives a clear picture that this is just a systematic program to take Palestinian land," said the Head of MUI for Relations. Foreign Affairs Prof. Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim was quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 18. He said clearly the actions taken by Israel were a form of imperialism. If you look at history, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has a long history, starting from the occupation of Israel under the theological pretext of the promised land and so on. With that pretext, the imperialistic spirit of Israel continues to be revived today. "Until today, imperialistic steps and the annexation of Palestinian territories have been carried out systematically and deliberately using state instruments," he said.

Even though Muslim countries and western countries to the United Nations (UN) security council issued objections, criticisms and resolutions, Israel still attacks Palestine. "Hundreds of resolutions have been born but always run aground because of their Veto rights, especially the United States. , "he said.

Finally, he said, the existence of a Veto right issued or conveyed by the United States would provide benefits for Israel. The Israeli and Palestinian conflict is also a concern for the Indonesian government. Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo together with the Chairman of the Turkish Parliament HE Mr. Mustafa Sentop communicated by telephone on Tuesday. Both agreed to ask the United Nations to immediately issue a resolution condemning and ending Israel's aggregation of Palestinians. "We also emphasize the importance of Indonesia and Turkey working together to build global support, especially from Muslim-populated countries that are members of the Work Organization. Sama Islam (OIC), as well as other organizations, to pressure the UN to immediately issue a resolution condemning and stopping Israel's aggregation of Palestinians, "said Bamsoet.