Are You Sure Your Donation Will Go To Palestine? Well, See Ambassador Zuhair Al Shun's Answer, So You Don't Get Curious

JAKARTA - A wave of sympathy for the victims of the war in Palestine continues to emerge. Communities in several European countries, including Asia, have even held demonstrations to oppose and condemn the attacks by the Israeli military against Palestine.

Apart from demonstrations, public sympathy was also shown by raising funds as happened in Indonesia. The intention is that the collected funds will be handed over to victims of the war in Palestine.

Well, friends who want to provide assistance would want it if the assistance is right on target. This means that funds must be closely monitored so that they come to the right hands.

The Special Staff of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Diaz Hendropriyono shared information so that the funds would actually reach Palestine. This was published on his Instagram page, @ diaz.Hendropriyono who was in the middle of an interview with the Palestinian Ambassador, Zuhair al Shun.

"What is the best way to donate to Palestine? Just to make sure that the donations sent to Palestine by the Indonesian people reach the people who really need the donations,?" Diaz asked to the ambassador.

Ambassador Zuhair al Shun replied that in Indonesia, Palestine only has one official office, one official embassy. If you want to make a donation, come to the embassy, then the aid will be received through official channels.

"Palestine has one mission, one million, one official office. If you come to me to send (Aid) to the Minister of Health (in Palestine), the Minister of Education or for the Palestinian people it will definitely be conveyed and written,"

"It's not like taking the money and then leaving. No! Everything will be registered, evidence will be given, notification will be sent to our authorities, money will be deposited with the bank so that everything will clearly be sent through the right channels," said the ambassador.

So, don't send the wrong donation, VOI readers!