Former Sespri Edhy Prabowo Called His Boss Donated A Thousand Books To The Military Academy Library

JAKARTA - Edhy Prabowo's former personal secretary, Putri Elok, admitted that her boss had ordered books to be donated to the Military Academy library. The total price of the books reaches IDR 100 million.

This testimony was conveyed when asked by the public prosecutor regarding an order from Edhy Prabowo to pay for a book order. Putri also agrees.

Putri told the beginning of the order when Edhy Prabowo visited the Military Academy and wanted to donate books.

"Once, sir, at that time Mr. Edhy had lunch with the cadets of the Military Academy. Then at lunchtime, Mr. Edhy had conveyed that he wanted to donate 1,000 books for the Military Academy library", said Putri in a trial at the Corruption Court, Tuesday, May 18.

The order to buy the books, continued Putri, was obtained indirectly from Edhy Prabowo. But from Putri Catur who is his special staff.

"Then from there Mrs. Putri gave me the task, please choose the book that you want to give", she said.

Putri then looked for books to be donated. He also contacted PT Balai Pustaka and Gramedia to provide these books.

However, Amiril Mukminin paid for the book order.

"The total?", asked the prosecutor.

"I don't remember exactly. But at Balai Pustaka, it was IDR 40 million. In Gramedia, it was IDR 56 million," replied Putri.

The prosecutor asked the answer again. Because in the investigation report (BAP) the total bill reached IDR 100 million.

"At the BAP, the total number of the witnesses per August 24, the total value of book purchases was IDR 101,085,600. The purchase of books for Balai Pustaka was IDR 44,391,600 and the purchase of Gramedia was IDR 56,694,000", said the prosecutor, agreed by Putri.