Outspoken Chief Of Russian Intelligence From SolarWinds To Intelligence Service Operations In Europe

JAKARTA - Various accusations ranging from hacking data belonging to the US information technology company SolarWinds, cyber attacks to interference in the United States Election have been directed at Russia.

The accusations that made United States President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin exchanged heated statements in the media. The United States was said to have prepared sanctions, while Moscow withdrew its ambassador to Washington DC after President Biden's scathing comments.

The name The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation or the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), is accused of being behind all these allegations. However, in an interview broadcast by the BBC, SVR Director Sergei Naryshkin frankly denied these allegations.

Referred to as the largest and most sophisticated cyber attack the world has ever seen, the SolarWinds hack is blamed on SVR. Instead of being offended, Naryshkin was flattered by the accusation.

"I would be honored to hear such an assessment (the SolarWinds hack), for the work of the foreign intelligence services that I am carrying out has received such a high evaluation," he said in response to the BBC's Steve Rosenberg question.

"But I have no right to claim other people's creative achievements as mine," he continued.

"You say there's no evidence? Nothing, at least nothing published. Have you seen any evidence? No? I'm million not. At the same time, we're looking into who might do it," said Naryshkin.

Joe Biden with Vladimir Putin. (Wikimedia Commons / Official White House Photo / David Lienemann)

Naryshkin later said the West was behind the SolarWinds hack. The claims are based on classified documents leaked by former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden in 2013.

"In the document it says, 'using secret partnerships with leading technology companies and internet providers. Secret vulnerabilities are embedded in commercial encryption software," he explained.

"I don't want to assert that this cyber attack was carried out by US agents. But the tactics are similar," continued Naryshkin.

On this occasion, Naryshkin also said that all claims related to the Cozy Bear cyber group, APT29 to The Dukes, which were said to be related to SVR and being behind cyber activities, were absurd.

"All the claims about cyber attacks, hacks, meddling in elections, being blamed on Russia are completely absurd and in some cases very sad. These claims are like bad crime novels," he argued.

"Regarding the accusations leveled at us in public, it is true, Russia is not involved. That's why I call this accusation absurd," he said.

When asked about MI6 British intelligence data, that only 10 percent of Russian intelligence operations in Europe are known, Naryshkin said, every sovereign country must have strong intelligence.

"Britain, Russia, America, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, China, all of them are strong, independent and sovereign countries. Every country that is truly strong and sovereign, must have a strong intelligence agency," he said.

With a sense of humor without compromising the seriousness of his statement, Naryshkin answered questions about the activities of British intelligence agents in Russia.

"Is British intelligence very active in Russia? Asked the MI6 director. When I meet him, I will also ask directly," he replied with a big laugh.

"We (SVR and MI6) began to establish correspondence. I will tell you a little secret, our correspondence is based on truth, appropriateness, respect and courtesy. I hope that from this correspondence there will be contact, including face to face," he concluded.

We have started to correspond. Let me tell you a little secret, the correspondence is, as is true and appropriate, respectful and courteous, and I sincerely hope that from this correspondence there will be contact, including face-to-face,