Wimar Witoelar Has Been Hospitalized In Pondok Indah Hospital For A Week

JAKARTA - Former Spokesman of the 4th President Gus Dur, Wimar Witoelar, is currently undergoing treatment at ICU, RS Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. He's been hospitalized for a week since being treated Wednesday, May 12.

Director of Intermatrix Communications owned by Wimar, Erna Indriana said, treatment for Wimar has been maximized. The team of doctors who treated, reached 6 people. He hopes that Wimar will be healed soon.

"We hope there will be a cure soon for him," Erna said contacted VOI, Tuesday, May 18.

He said that Wimar's current condition is still the same as since he first entered and there has been no change. However, it tends to be stable.

"His condition is critical, but stable due to the help of a ventilator," he said.

During this treatment, Wimar regularly washes blood. Wimar is also sedated to maximize ventilator work. "Because if he's not drugged, he's very weak," Erna said.

Erna recounted, Wimar had been on medication because of stomach problems some time ago. After that, he looked limp. With that condition, Wimar was taken to RSPI and directed to the ICU. From the results of the examination he was diagnosed with sepsis.

"A week earlier Mr. Wimar was outpatient, there was a complaint in the stomach, and this is different from the current one. Coming home from the hospital (treatment) seemed to be limp constantly, and did not improve. We take him to the hospital again, to the ER. It was said to be sepsis, and went straight into the ICU," he said.

Erna explained, sepsis is a severe infection throughout the body that results in multiorgan failure.

From the results of other examinations, Wimar was not exposed to COVID-19. "The PCR results are already there. And yesterday there was a visit kok, if there is COVID can not be (visited). Continue icu also together with other patients," he said.

During the treatment, Erna said, Wimar was accompanied by one of his children. Meanwhile, her other son is in Norway and has not been able to return to Jakarta due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"So the one who cares is his son who is here with his wife. Every day of mentoring and all the recommendations of our doctors follow, we try to get maximum care," he said.

Wimar's colleague during his time as President, Adhie Massardi said, had been getting the information since last night.

"I already know the info last night, but I have not updated yet, later I ask friends who picket," said Adhie contacted VOI, Tuesday, May 18.

Meanwhile, on his Twitter account, @AdhieMassardi, he hopes that Wimar will be given a cure.

"May Alloh SWT raise all diseases of Mr. Wimar. Amin YRA," he wrote.