Rizieq Shihab Sentenced To 10 Months In Prison And 2 Years Bui, Lawyers Remain Calm, Ready To Argue In Pleidoi

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's lawyer Aziz Yanuar casually responded to the public prosecutor's (JPU) charges against his client. All prosecutors' demands will be answered through counter-argument in the defense aka pleidoi.

"Keep up the spirit, just calm down. We will deny dipleidoi," Aziz told reporters On Monday, May 17.

Aziz also hopes that later the panel of judges can give objective consideration at the time of the final verdict or verdict.

Moreover, continued the lawyer, Rizieq Shihab's case smells political. One of them was about the point of the lawsuit asking the panel of judges to revoke Rizieq's civil rights for three years.

"That's what I said earlier hopefully later in his ruling the panel of judges objectively sees this as a legal matter, and is not influenced by the party that riding politically related to this legal process," he said.

Meanwhile, at the time of the meeting, Rizieq who responded to the claim said he would give a memorandum of defense or pledoi. The pleidoi agenda session is planned to be held on Thursday 20 May.

"Okay later Thursday we respond in pleidoi, Thursday morning," rizieq said.

Previously reported, Rizieq Shihab was sentenced to two years in prison for alleged crowding and violations of health protocols (prokes) in Petamburan. Rizieq was found guilty in the case.

"Pleading with the panel of judges to sentence Rizieq Shihab to 2 years imprisonment was reduced during the prison term," the prosecutor said.

In the lawsuit, JPU found Rizieq Shihab guilty based on the examination of 27 witnesses and several experts. Rizieq is said to have incited the masses to attend the Commemoration of the Prophet's Birthday and his daughter's wedding reception in Petamburan on November 14, 2020.

Rizieq in the case of Petamburan called prosecutors have violated Article 160 of the Criminal Code juncto Article 93 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia (Uu RI) Number 6 Year 2018 on Health Quarantine juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st Penal Code, or Article 82A paragraph (1) juncto 59 paragraph (3) letter c and d Law No. 16 of 2017 concerning the Establishment of Government Regulation Replacement Law No. 2 of 2017 concerning Amendments to Law No. 17 of 2013 on Community Organizations into Law juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st Criminal Code juncto Article 10 letter b criminal code juncto Article 35 paragraph (1) penal code.

In addition, Rizieq Shihab was sentenced to 10 months in prison for alleged crowding and violations of health protocols (prokes) in Megamendung. Prosecutors also charged Rizieq Shihab with a fine of Rp50 million subsider 3 months in prison.

"The panel of judges who adjudicate to decide to impose criminal sanctions in the form of criminal imprisonment of 10 months and a fine of Rp50 million 3 months," said the prosecutor read out the charges in a hearing at the East Jakarta District Court, Monday, May 17.

In the affidavit, prosecutors found Rizieq Shihab guilty in the prokes and crowd cases based on the results of examinations of witnesses and experts. Rizieq is considered to be hindering the work of the COVID-19 Task Force.

The reason, Rizieq ignored the decision of the Bogor District COVID-19 Task Force which did not give permission to hold the groundbreaking ceremony of the construction of the Mosque in The Natural Boarding School of Agrocultural Markaz Syariah.

As a result of the event rizieq caused a crowd of approximately 3,000 people. The mob was Rizieq Shihab's sympathizer who intended to welcome him.

In fact, the mass of sympathizers gathered on almost all roads from the intersection of Gadog Bogor Regency to his boarding school.

In addition, Rizieq is also considered to have violated Regent Decree No. 443 1479/Kpts/Per-Uu/2020 dated October 27, 2020 concerning the Fifth Extension of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) Pre Adaptation of New Habits towards Healthy, Safe and Productive Communities.

"Rizieq Shihab was proven lawfully and convincingly made the first indictment of Article 93 of the Quarantine Act," the prosecutor said.

Rizieq Shihab in the case of Megamendung is charged with Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine or Article 14 paragraph (1) of Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Infectious Disease Outbreaks or Article 216 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code

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