Need To Be Cleaned Often, It Turns Out These 10 Things Most Germs

JAKARTA – Germs, bacteria, and viruses are invisible when viewed without tools. Objects that are often held in daily activities, it can turn out to be a nest of germs. Although occasionally left harmless, but need to be aware of bacteria and viruses carrying dangerous diseases.

Objects that you usually consider a lot of germs such as trash cans, door handles, toilet seats in public toilets to sports equipment in public sports venues also need to be cleaned before wearing. Here are the 10 things that are most germs and need to be cleaned frequently.


Gadgets are often forgotten to be cleaned when they are never out of hand. That means you need to clean it daily with antiseptic wipes or alcohol-sprayed wipes.

Computer keyboard

If you work every day with your computer as well as your keyboard and mouse, it's necessary to clean it before using it. This tool is classified as very dirty because the hands can move germs and bacteria during use.

Supermarket trolley handle

Many shoppers in supermarkets need to wear trolleys. But before using it, do not forget to bring and spray anti-bacterial liquid onto the handle of the trolley or into your hands. Visiting Cosmopolitan, Monday, May 17, the handle of a supermarket trolley stores about 11 million bacteria.

That is, always bring a handy bottle containing antiseptic liquid to spray the grocery bag and handle including the top seat of the trolley if necessary put groceries in that section.

Elevator button

Both office elevators and public places, hundreds of people hold them. That means a lot of dirt, dust, germs, bacteria until the virus sticks there. Then use the elbow of the arm when pressing it or wear a lever so that it does not directly touch the skin.

Television remote at the hotel

In anticipation of the transfer of bacteria and viruses, spray and wipe with antiseptic wipes before using them. You also need to research in advance the hotel that maintains health protocols.

Although the most frequently replaced parts are pillow bed linen, bolsters, and mattresses but there is no harm in anticipating by cleaning small parts that often escape.

Restaurant menu sheet

Ever imagined how many times a restaurant's menu sheet has moved from one hand to another? You need to remember that the sheet can also move germs, bacteria, and viruses. So, spray antiseptic first hands as well as menu sheets or not hold it at all.

ATM machine

Flu viruses can stick up to 17 days on banknotes. Not to mention there are about 3,000 kinds of bacteria attached to the atm machine button.

So how to not move into the hands and minimize transmission? Spray the dial pad with a hand sanitizer or clean your hands after leaving the ATM counter.

Water tap handles and mouths

Both at home and in public places and offices, you need to clean the tap mouth, on/off handles or levers, and toilet door handles. Well, most importantly wash your hands with antiseptic soap to minimize the spread of bacteria.

Illustration of a water tap (Unsplash/Claudio Schwarz)

Pool water

Most likely not to be high in E. Coli bacteria try to swim after the pool and the water is replaced and cleaned. Based on research by the CDC published in 2020, 70 percent of public swimming pools, 66 percent of water parks, and 49 percent of private pools are contaminated with E. Coli bacteria.

Although chlorine can be overcome even if it is not completely optimal, clean habits in the pool need to be applied.

Car dashboard

Private cars also need to be kept clean including wiping the dashboard with antiseptic wipes. Where do germs and bacteria come from?

Carriers of bacteria and germs come from every item placed on the part, ranging from wallets, food, beverages, to purse and glasses.