Police: Trans Papua Road Crossers Are Only Sembako Vehicles

JAKARTA - Wamena City Police Sector (Polsek), in Jayawijaya Regency, Papua said since the homecoming ban was issued, only nine vehicles carrying staples were seen passing on the Trans Papua Road, Jayapura-Wamena.

AKP Wamena City Police Chief Agus Kuswanto, said it continues to monitor vehicles at the local police station.

"All this time that came to report only the distribution of food only. Based on the monitoring there are no travelers, only food loaders," agus said in Wamena, the capital of Jayawijaya Regency, Monday, May 17.

Although only nine staples are supplied to the Central Mountains of Papua, the number is not like before the ban on homecoming.

"The incoming vehicle came to report this if I saw one week maybe twice they came. Yesterday a truck driver came, it was the last because until now no one has come," he said anyway.

Agus ensured that no food transport vehicles were smuggling liquor or prohibited items to Jayawijaya, because it was always checked.

"Information from the driver, they from Benawa to Elelim (Two districts in Yalimo District) was unloaded his belongings, so enter the police here we check also no," he said again.

Previously, Wamena Airport has closed passenger flights since 6 to 24 May, as a joint decision in a meeting of the Jayawijaya Regional Leadership Coordination Forum on Friday, April 30.

Tag: papua nusantara dilarang mudik mudik 2023 wamena