Is It True That Spinach Consumption During Breastfeeding Can Increase Breast Milk Production

JAKARTA - Are you looking for a way to increase the supply of breast milk to breastfeed? Do not worry, it turns out that there are natural remedies that can increase the production of breast milk optimally.

As it is known that nutritious foods have many benefits, one of which is to increase the supply of breast milk to nursing mothers. Nutritious foods such as spinach are very well consumed during the lactation process because it can balance the hormone levels of nursing mothers.

Visiting healtline's page on Monday, May 17, health experts recommend nursing mothers eat spinach and other green leafy vegetables. Green vegetables including spinach contain a lot of iron, calcium, folate, and vitamin K, which is excellent for the production of breast milk.

Spinach is very beneficial because of its high phytoestrogens content. This compound mimics estrogen in the body which causes increased production of breast milk. Iron-rich foods such as spinach can be effective for replenishing iron levels, especially if previously experienced postpartum bleeding or abnormal blood loss during birth as this can affect the process of having a baby.

One study has shown that low iron levels are associated with a low milk supply, so if nursing mothers feel their SUPPLY is lacking, ask your doctor to check iron levels in the body.

In general, it is important to eat healthy foods while breastfeeding, not only so that the baby gets good nutrition but also to ensure the mother's body works healthily and maximally.