Survey Institute Notes On The Work Of Regional Heads In Facing COVID-19

JAKARTA - As many as 33.3 percent of the public are unsure about the performance of regional heads in dealing with the corona virus or COVID-19. Regional heads were asked to improve their performance in dealing with the pandemic.

These are the results of the Median survey, which was followed by 800 respondents from a total of 20,658 telephone numbers conducted on April 6-13 with a margin of error of 3.46 percent.

Director of Median, Rico Marbun said, apart from being unsure, this survey shows people's lack of understanding of the decisions that have been taken by regional heads.

"Yes, it is absolutely correct (33.3 percent is a number that is not sure about the regional head) and it can also be read (people do not know the performance of their respective regional heads," Rico said when contacted by VOI via text message, Monday, April 27.

Based on the results of the work of each governor, this survey noted that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was considered as one of the regional heads who took the most appropriate steps in dealing with the virus. As many as 24.1 percent of the public considered Anies to be the most appropriate in handling COVID-19.

Furthermore, followed by Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo with 9.6 percent, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil 8.9 percent, East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa 8 percent, and Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini 3.7 percent.

Rico analyzed, the public's assessment of Anies could happen because the Governor of DKI Jakarta was considered the fastest to take steps in dealing with the spread of COVID-19.

"The public sees Anies Baswedan as the most responsive and for the first time taking the initiative to take large-scale social restrictions (PSBB)," he explained.

DKI Jakarta is the first region to implement the PSBB since April 10. Before the PSBB was implemented, DKI Jakarta implemented social restrictions as recommended by the central government. Including school holidays for studying at home, office holidays to work from home, restrictions on religious activities and being replaced with worship at home, and restrictions on activities in other public places or facilities.

Apart from being considered to be faster in implementing the PSBB to prevent the spread of this virus, Rico said, it was considered that the public did not hesitate to take policies that were considered contrary to the central government and were considered to have maximized his public communication in the midst of the COVID-19 issue.

"In fact, if we remember this was done when the president had not appeared publicly," he said.

Meanwhile, Ganjar, said Rico, was liked by the public because he often went directly to the community in dealing with COVID-19. Likewise with Ridwan Kamil, who is often considered by the public to be moving quickly against this virus.

"The public saw a movement from the Governor of West Java to conduct a mass test, follow the PSBB policy in DKI for cities and regencies around it, go down to several places of worship to carry out disinfection, and show empathy by announcing salary cuts," he explained.

Rico said that this survey should take steps to improve the performance of regional heads and their staff in handling COVID-19. One way is to adopt more aggressive policies to prevent the spread of the virus and communicate with the public, either through social media or in person.

Meanwhile, for regional heads whose performance has been deemed good and appropriate by the public, they must focus more on their work, including dealing with the financial and social effects of the spread of COVID-19 in their region.

"I think they, regional heads, must now focus more not only on handling the epidemic," concluded Rico.