Indriyanto Seno Adji Reported To Dewas KPK, Allegedly Unfair About TWK
JAKARTA - Indriyanto Seno Adji was reported to the Supervisory Board (Dewas) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) because it was judged unfair in carrying out its duties related to the decommissioning decree of 75 employees who did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK).
Indriyanto himself was a member of Dewas KPK who had not even one month appointed to replace the position of Artidjo Alkostar who died. He also served as Acting Head of kpk.
"We report one of the dewas members, Prof. ISA for violating the code of ethics," Director of Inter-Commission and Agency Work Network (PJKAKI) KPK Sujanarko told reporters at the KPK building, Jakarta, Monday, May 17.
"Today dewas felt to have sided with the leadership. Whereas in addition to having a supervisory function dewas is the key judge ethics so that if there are actions of employees who violate the code of ethics they must be fair," he continued.
Sujanarko considered, as a member of Dewas, Indriyanto excessive because it had entered into the technical affairs of the KPK leadership and gave input on the employee's defunct sk.
After coordinating, Sujanarko et al will continue to advocate both legal and public.
"Why the public? Because kpk public assets. And faced by 75 people are some members of dewas and kpk leadership who are incompetent," he said.
"Competent means that one must master knowledge, attitude and good skills. Again looking at this time is the attitude that the members of dewas and leaders have," Sujanarko added.