TKA China Enters Indonesia, DPR: Why Are Available Jobs Not Prioritized For Indonesian Citizens?

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PAN Faction of the House of Representatives Saleh Partaonan Daulay, lamented the granting of permission for the entry of Chinese citizens to Indonesia in the midst of the current pandemic situation. Because, it is feared that their arrival could potentially carry the COVID-19 virus.

Not to mention, he said, the influx of Chinese citizens is intended to work in Indonesia. Meanwhile, in the country itself, there are many layoffs and workers who are homeless.

"Why is the available work not prioritized for indonesian citizens? What kind of work should TKA China require? The ministry of manpower needs to be open about this issue," Saleh said Monday, May 17.

In addition, members of Commission IX of the House of Representatives considered the answer of the ministry of transportation related to the arrival of TKA China is very inappropriate.

"The problem is not the type of aircraft they use. But, why tka from China is still constantly allowed to enter? Want to use regular planes, charter planes, or private planes even though it remains questioned by the public," saleh said.

"Because, the public expects that the arrival of TKA from China is stopped first. If this pandemic has passed, just think again. As for the work that may need to continue, it could be given to local workers. I am sure that indonesian workers can do it," he continued.

Therefore, Saleh regretted, protests and rejection of the community as if not heard by the government. The more rejected, he said, the more they came. In fact, a single flight can carry hundreds of groups.

According to him, it is necessary to calculate the profit and loss using TKA China in Indonesia. Because, so far, Saleh claimed to have never heard that the arrival of tka can increase the country's income.

"At least, I have never read the reports that they contributed in increasing the state budget," saleh explained.

If the contribution is not significant, saleh said, it is better to be temporarily suspended for the safety of the citizens.

"Moreover, lately the increase in the number of people exposed to COVID-19 is getting higher," said the legislator dapil Sumut II.

Tag: dpr nasional china covid 19 tenaga kerja