Hoteliers In Yogyakarta Want The Government To Help Pay Employees' Salaries To BPJS Health

JAKARTA - The occupancy rate of hotel rooms in the Special Region of Yogyakarta during Lebaran 2021 averaged five to seven percent or experienced a significant decrease when compared to Lebaran in 2020.
"All hotel classes (star and nonstar) average only five to seven percent. This is down drastically compared to Eid al-Fitr last year which is equally pandemic can reach 10 to 25 percent," said Chairman of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) DIY Deddy Pranawa Eryana when contacted quoted from Antara, Sunday, May 16.
Although fairly low, the occupancy rate or occupancy of hotel rooms on Eid holidays in 2021, including helped by staycation activities or holidays in the city or not far from the residence of state civil servants (ASN) in DIY.
"If there is no it (staycation ASN) could probably be even lower," said Deddy.
Previously, during Ramadan 2021, he said hotel occupancy was even lower, which is 0.9 percent despite the help of the iftar program together, especially in a number of three-star hotels and above.
Along with border sealing policies, he said, the average hotel relies on diy locals' visits. Although there are some hotel guests from outside the area such as Central Java, the number is not significant.
Deddy expects the government to respond to the conditions experienced by hospitality businesses. The policy of banning homecoming is expected to be accompanied by a solution that eases the burden on hoteliers.
"Actually we are very supportive of government programs, but hope to be given a solution because we still have to pay the salaries of employees, PLN, BPJS, and other hotel operations," he said.
Therefore, Deddy hopes that the policy of border sealing operations will be sufficient until May 17, 2021 and will not need to be extended until May 24, 2021.
"If it is extended until May 24, then our occupancy remains that way, we want to pay (employee salaries, electricity) use what?," he said.